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Optima DDoS Bot (Builder + Webpanel)

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    Favoured Management

  • Administration
  • Likes
  • 2166 Beiträge
  • 3764 Bedankt
  • 1337-699
  • verifiziert
  • Android [root]
  • Windows, Linux


Optima DDoS Bot (Builder + Webpanel)





  Tool Beschreibung

  • 4 types of DDoS attacks: http, icmp (ping), syn, udp
  • The ability to attack on several URL of a server.
  • Ability to progruzhat and run your. Exe files.
  • A sound system of granting user-agent and referral. Randomly generated for each call.
  • Our bot is almost no load on the system, which allows him to remain invisible for a long time.
  • Compatible with all series of the Microsoft Windows 95 †“ Windows7.
  • Works correctly under 64-bit systems.
  • Correctly works as a yuzersky uchetku and under admin.
  • The file name is not in the numbers and not just a bunch of random letters and the word or abbreviation, however, generated randomly.
  • Bypasses Windows Firewall
  • Easy-crypt, from the version I have 10G Plus
  • Immediately installed in the system, thus avoiding any suspicion among the victims.
  • Works in 100 threads, it is possible to set a timeout. Moreover, the flow is almost perfectly synchronized with each other, which makes it possible to generate the maximum amount of HTTP traffic.
  • The attack on the individual server (for example, a forum, news block, file storage). In this type of attack targets chosen by each instance of the bot separately, which, in turn, at times increases the load on the server, because the answer can not be cached.
  • Bypass of some Anti-DDoS defenses.
  • Modularity. You can buy add-on in the form of modules.
  • Due to a very good code optimization bot has a good weight: 30-40 kb. packed and 90-130 kb. Uncompressed, depending
  • the availability of certain modules.
  • Support for Socks5 proxy. The default port †“ 1080, you can change when you create a build. Note that the proxy normal and does not work through NAT.


Please Login HERE or Register HERE to see this link!


  • Masternick, x1z0ng und Rogerlopensio gefällt das



,,Der blaue Baum" von Prohex (2020)

Thanked by 2 Members:
excore , White-Warti

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