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FlashFlood (HTML/JS)

- - - - - Flash Flooder Script

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FlashFlood (HTML/Javascript)







  Tool Beschreibung
This is designed to be an ultra-lightweight flooder. This almost certainly won't take down a remote machine by itself, but with a handful of machines it can easily swamp a server if it's hitting a search function, or some other intensive Database driven page. It's particularly hard to stop than a normal GET/POST request flood because it uses different parameters and values each time, making it hard to protect with a typical caching server, and instead requires an actual IP block or some other network based control. Said another way, naked webservers that aren't protected will have a harder time dealing with this. This technique has been used before in attacks against Iran during the green revolution and has been demonstrated by Jeremiah Grossman and Matt Johansen at the Blackhat security conference as well.



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    007, B0ss, bangsder, BayernFox, Blackrock, blue_eyed_devil, C4shin0ut, Caruso, craq, cruzz, darookie, dep0x, DerDespot, desmond, Dr. Spic, DropCode, exetex, Framerater, frei, FrogPussyGreen, gutzuu, hacked, Haxlor, hlaus777, Irhabi, Jackdaniels, JackTheRapper, JohnR, Juri, kiwitone, loken, lolorollo, mettbrot, nninja, nong_dan, Norky, PadX18, Passport, PaulaAbdul, PHIPU, Platin, PriX, Pyerun, raakil, Rogerlopensio, Sellerie, SeriallKiller, smc2014, Stanley, terratec1991, TheLoneWolf, twixeis, westendboy, White-Warti, xVirtu, Zerobyte
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