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[Service] Professional IT-Freelancing [Coding/RE]

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IT-Freelancing Service



I am offering a professional IT-Freelancing service. My service is related to coding and reverse engineering applications for windows operating systems. I have 8 years coding experience and I probably have the ability to code anything you wish to fit your needs. You can also hire me as a reverse engineer. 



My technical skills:

  • Languages: C / C++ / .NET / ASM x86 / ASM x86_64
  • Knowledge about Windows Internals (NT/Kernel)
  • Knowledge about Reverse Engineering (x86/x86_64)
  • Knowledge about Windows APIs
  • Knowledge about native application development
  • Knowledge about networking


What I have done so far (Coding):

  • Bruters
  • Scanners
  • Bots
  • Auth Systems
  • Management Software
  • Proactive Bot-Killers / Anti-Virus Software (no kernel stuff) 
  • Much more stuff


Reverse Engineering (what you can hire me for):

  • Information Gathering (Applications)
  • Malware Analysis
  • Algorithm Analysis (Gather information on how a specific algorithm works in any program)
  • Cracking something
  • Probably more things which do not come into my mind now


I distance myself from:

  • Banking Bots
  • Crypters (but hell yea we can have a talk at this point)
  • Details via OTR Chat



Your safety and my word: You will stay 100% anonymous.  





  • Base fees: 20$
  • Coding fees: 58$ / Hour
  • Reverse Engineering fees: 72$ / Hour
  • Payment only with Bitcoins !


How it works:

  • If I accept your project it will be queued into a list of other projects (if available)
  • You will give me a deadline when you need your project finished and I will tell you how many hours / day I will spend on this.
  • If the deadline is not possible for whatever reason I will let you know and we hack out a solution. 
  • If you don't care about the deadline I will just work 2-3 Hours / day on your project. 
  • When I have already 3 projects queued in the list you will have to wait until it's your turn. 
  • I will protocol everything precisely and show proofs when I start working on your project and when I stop.
  • You will receive the full protocol when I am about to finish your project. 
  • You have the ability to see the current protocol whenever you like.
  • The protocol will be deleted after you have received your project. 


How the payment works:

  1. You show me a visual proof of your balance (to make sure you have the money to hire me)
  2. I will queue your project and keep you updated about the current progress
  3. When it's finished you will get into my teamviewer and I will show you a proof that it works as you wished.
  4. You pay me and we wait until bitcoin transaction has been confirmed.
  5. You get your software.
  6. Profit




If you want to have a project finished with a fixed price, we can talk about it.





Terms of Service

  • I am not responsible for any damage you do with the software or if you use it in an illegal way. 
  • I have the permission to change the ToS anytime I want
  • I have the permission to deny a project if I want to
  • I have the permission to drop a project before it reaches the deadline, anytime I want
  • Time wasters will be ignored instantly
  • A Scam-Report will be opened if I notice any scam attempt
  • A Scam-Report will be opened if you have wasted my time and don't want to pay. 
  • All sales are final. No refunds.



Buyers Information/Protection

  • You have the ability to make any project changes within 6 hours after project queue. Anything afterwards will be denied.
  • You have the ability to abandon the project within 12 hours after project queue. Anything afterwards will be reported and a scam-thread will follow.
  • After you have received your service I will offer you a support for the next 24 hours (including bugfixes).
  • If there is any problematic bug which would make the stability of the software even worse I will fix it for free. 





You are interested? Hit me up: nof3ar@ exploit.im (OTR only)

Bearbeitet von rat123, 17 March 2017 - 17:27 Uhr.

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