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Account Reaper v1.3.0 [cracked]

- - - - - Reaper

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Account Reaper v1.3.0 [cracked]





  Tool Beschreibung
To use AccountReaper you need 3 things:

  1. Modules (We got you covered)
  2. Proxies (HTTPS/HTTP) (You can scrape them with AccountReaper)
  3. Combolist (We got you covered)

It's highly recommended that you use private proxies from providers like fineProxy, stormProxy or any other HTTPS proxy seller. You can also scrape proxies with AccountReaper, they are great if you are just beginner in cracking. If you are 1337 then we suggest using private proxies.

  1. First, select modules which you want to use by checking them in Modules tab.
  2. Then import proxies.


  1. AccountReaper will not use proxies if you do not test them and they appear as Working!!!
  2. Also make sure you enable Use proxies in settings. If you are using public proxies then increase HTTP timeout (~30sec) and increase proxy retry to something like 5-10
  3. Now import combolist(s)
  4. Click start!

It's that simple to crack accounts using AccountReaper.

Here's some more tips:

  • If you use a lot of threads, increase HTTP timeout.
  • Make sure your firewall/antivirus is not blocking AccountReaper.
  • Don't run uTorrent or anything else that requires high internet usage while using AccountReaper.
  • It's best to run AccountReaper on RDP/VPS or even Dedi if you are a cracking god.


  1. Make sure to "Unblock" all files of AccountReaper by right clicking on them -> security -> unblock
  2. Make sure your Antivirus/Firewall is excluding AccountReaper from its protection.
  3. Make sure your internet is working properly.
  4. Make sure your proxies are working and that they work for modules you selected to crack.
  5. Make sure you combolist is valid for that module.
  6. Try running as admin.



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