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Xanity PHP RAT | v

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Xanity PHP RAT | v




Xanity PHP RAT
has pretty unique features, like the advanced Map-View and a built-in AntiVirus-Scanner which does not distribute samples.

The server works on each Windows Version with the .Net Framework 2.0. This program was written in Visual Basic and uses PHP (on a WebServer) to communicate with the servers. This means you don't have to portfoward.

Never use again your IP (NO-IP), a VPN, or even open any ports, since openning ports creates many security risks. If you were never able / allowed to open ports, Xanity RAT is your solution.

The only thing you need is a good Webserver with fast Internet Connection, to make the RAT work perfectly. Using free Webhosting, like 000WebHost, won??t work since they spam and have ads, that makes the PHP files either corrupt or prevent them from working. We have great 24 hours support that will help you with this RAT and an Autobuy Site. So don??t hesitate to buy this awesome RAT for ONLY 20$ (Lifetime)

*Please note: This Application was not made to hold thousands of bots. Most Issues occur by not handling the RAT properly or setting it up wrong.

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Bearbeitet von PaulaAbdul, 27 November 2017 - 09:09 Uhr.

  • blue_eyed_devil, White-Warti und Elite Soldier gefällt das



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