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TOP 100 - Adobe Passwörter

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Hier habt ihr die TOP 100 der bei Adobe genutzen Passwörter (international). Have fun ;)

"We do not (yet) have the keys Adobe used to encrypt the passwords of 130,324,429 users affected by
their most recent breach. However, thanks to Adobe choosing symmetric key encryption over hashing,
selecting ECB mode, and using the same key for every password, combined with a large number of
known plaintexts and the generosity of users who flat-out gave us their password in their password
hint, this is not preventing us from presenting you with this list of the top 100 passwords
selected by Adobe users.

While we are fairly confident in the accuracy of this list, we have no way to actually verify it
right now. We don't have the keys, and Adobe is not letting any of the affected accounts log in
until the owners reset their passwords. So, it is possible there is an error or two in here. Caveat
emptor and such."

# Count Ciphertext Plaintext

1. 1911938 EQ7fIpT7i/Q= 123456
2. 446162 j9p+HwtWWT86aMjgZFLzYg== 123456789
3. 345834 L8qbAD3jl3jioxG6CatHBw== password
4. 211659 BB4e6X+b2xLioxG6CatHBw== adobe123
5. 201580 j9p+HwtWWT/ioxG6CatHBw== 12345678
6. 130832 5djv7ZCI2ws= qwerty
7. 124253 dQi0asWPYvQ= 1234567
8. 113884 7LqYzKVeq8I= 111111
9. 83411 PMDTbP0LZxu03SwrFUvYGA== photoshop
10. 82694 e6MPXQ5G6a8= 123123
11. 76910 j9p+HwtWWT8/HeZN+3oiCQ== 1234567890
12. 76186 diQ+ie23vAA= 000000
13. 70791 kCcUSCmonEA= abc123
14. 61453 ukxzEcXU6Pw= 1234
15. 56744 5wEAInH22i4= adobe1
16. 54651 WqflwJFYW3+PszVFZo1Ggg== macromedia
17. 48850 hjAYsdUA4+k= azerty
18. 47142 rpkvF+oZzQvioxG6CatHBw== iloveyou
19. 44281 xz6PIeGzr6g= aaaaaa
20. 43670 Ypsmk6AXQTk= 654321
21. 43497 4V+mGczxDEA= 12345
22. 37407 yp2KLbBiQXs= 666666
23. 35325 2dJY5hIJ4FHioxG6CatHBw== sunshine
24. 34963 1McuJ/7v9nE= 123321
25. 33452 yxzNxPIsFno= letmein
26. 32549 dCgB24yq9Bw= monkey
27. 31554 dA8D8OYD55E= asdfgh
28. 28349 L8qbAD3jl3jSPm/keox4fA== password1
29. 28303 zk8NJgAOqc4= shadow
30. 28132 Ttgs5+ZAZM7ioxG6CatHBw== princess
31. 27853 pTkQrKZ/JYM= dragon
32. 27840 2aZl4Ouarwm52NYYI936YQ== adobeadobe
33. 27720 NpVKrCM6pKw= daniel
34. 27699 Dts8klglTQDioxG6CatHBw== computer
35. 27415 4aiR1wv9z2Q= michael
36. 27387 XpDlpOQzTSE= 121212
37. 26502 ldvmctKdeN8= charlie
38. 25341 5nRuxOG9/Ho= master
39. 24499 y7F6CyUyVM/ioxG6CatHBw== superman
40. 24372 R3jcdque71gE+R+mSnMKEA== qwertyuiop
41. 23417 TduxwnCuA1U= 112233
42. 23157 2hD1nmJUmh3ioxG6CatHBw== asdfasdf
43. 22719 MyFBO2YW+Bw= jessica
44. 22672 cSZM/nlchzzioxG6CatHBw== 1q2w3e4r
45. 22204 Vqit1GVLLek= welcome
46. 22180 e+4n2zDarnvioxG6CatHBw== 1qaz2wsx
47. 22143 ZHgi8hFCTvrSPm/keox4fA== 987654321
48. 22103 OrzNCxMfwrw= fdsa
49. 21795 4chDWZgI7v0= 753951
50. 21449 vp6d18mfGL+5n2auThm2+Q== chocolate
51. 21383 4I4DOfx+UUg= fuckyou
52. 21208 Z07sabFOg5Y= soccer
53. 21100 pBqRSZNU8XU= tigger
54. 20961 WlMTLimQ5b4= asdasd
55. 20581 r/OONiXT+Ko= thomas
56. 20578 XWL3FNwnp+czgMjd+wJwNw== asdfghjkl
57. 20571 ueE89xIj8RTioxG6CatHBw== internet
58. 20331 ietF94QrMIbioxG6CatHBw== michelle
59. 20268 ecW6IyEemknioxG6CatHBw== football
60. 20022 ziypr2hyamc= 123qwe
61. 19907 7MLKr9CfrNg= zxcvbnm
62. 19825 7Z6uMyq9bpxe1EB7HijrBQ== dreamweaver
63. 19818 ZDxAirVSzvs= 7777777
64. 19237 zkXlvHcZYOg= maggie
65. 19129 GymA1zhi51k= qazwsx
66. 19113 lVwka/Mn8TPioxG6CatHBw== baseball
67. 18969 ghrvkwCcX4bioxG6CatHBw== jennifer
68. 18879 FTeB5SkrOZM= jordan
69. 18470 eOsrbcW/PeTioxG6CatHBw== abcd1234
70. 18177 Nz4/TI6o5RrioxG6CatHBw== trustno1
71. 18108 wQKWOaXi5eA= buster
72. 18049 b5LJqTmQmvQ= 555555
73. 18008 tnWjMXDBaIkzgMjd+wJwNw== liverpool
74. 17986 NtCzq/i0Ffc= abc
75. 17933 iMhaearHXjPioxG6CatHBw== whatever
76. 17717 OPQxDLW2L+DioxG6CatHBw== 11111111
77. 17706 jAZbtIgk1cg= 102030
78. 17581 g5pZihfzGve6cdBSCql/UQ== 123123123
79. 17454 MEXwK6GOWHk= andrea
80. 17442 JXko2WSrc6s= pepper
81. 17296 VATj787A2Ho= nicole
82. 17174 oa/GBGqIApo= killer
83. 17077 7eu5/SYuhng= abcdef
84. 16963 ORpiFlGkd0g= hannah
85. 16898 L3uQHNDF6Mw= test
86. 16616 kAtMKrzaD6jxHUX3hQObgQ== alexander
87. 16535 HWMCJDWy2MI= andrew
88. 16526 u5YtgXT+JKk= 222222
89. 16468 +XW6eYb0HTg= joshua
90. 16456 WVVYjePjnX4= freedom
91. 16374 QSay9kzQVz8= samsung
92. 16177 F9nqBYx2LhA= asdfghj
93. 16091 6KJbvp1JGKY= purple
94. 16073 FcX+iulysVg= ginger
95. 15962 v0cefPH2OLI= 123654
96. 15910 e21tszGBy4k= matrix
97. 15803 fbO2Wx232qY= secret
98. 15788 kOAk8W94ZX4= summer
99. 15752 pCVd59qFewU= 1q2w3e
100. 15637 agRGj5rtLD8= snoopy1



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