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Madness Pro DDoS Bot v1.13

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Madness Pro DDoS Bot v1.13

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Madness Pro DDoS Bot v1.13 Builder cracked by NoNh

Translated by google

History :

In the summer of 2012 we started thinking about creating a fundamentally new DDoS
bot to test their own web resources on the fault-tolerance, since none of the systems
tested did not deserve to even estimate "4".

The test samples during devoured memory load on the CPU local machine flew with
errors, freezes on 50 % capacity CPU, making wrong entries in the registry , causing
activation of protective systems , many weighty error was found in the control panels.
To create your own system, we have studied in detail : BlackEnergy ( source code ),
gbot ( disassembling ), DirtJumper ( disassembling ), Darkness Optima ( source code,
purchased under the contract ), iBot ( source code , purchased under the contract ),
w3Bot ( source) , were also studied the source code of Zeus and many other programs.

- Written in C + +, easily crypt is lightweight (compressed sample < 15KB )
- Full compatibility with all Windows family of NT (x86 and x64)
- Boat has 7 types of attacks
- Stability in the system. Indicators load on the CPU and RAM are very uniform .
- Do not attracted the attention of UAC and Windows Firewall
- Able to establish port, referal and cookies individually for each goal
- Supports up to 10 targets simultaneously
- Has a very low load on the CPU with the new , complex system of parsing commands
(all analogs parsing takes place inside a function in multiple threads - it's extra work
load on the processor . New bot enters all data in the array before the attack on the
function and come ready options address, port , referral , etc.)
- Has an enormous power output of more than 1500 http ( and more 30000 UDP)
queries per minute through direct interaction with the network drivers , even on
desktop Windows! (only using WinSock) is about 10 times more than some few
analogs and more top ( on this parameter ) competitors.
- In the control panel are : the number of requests per minute , right in the system,
the version of the system.
- Supports bypass CloudFlare protection ( !) And many other more common.
- Supports Slow GET and Slow POST modes !
- In the packet header specifies disabling the cache (Cache-Control: no-cache),
which increases the load on the server .
- The protection of dialogue bot panel spetsklyuchem

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,,Der blaue Baum" von Prohex (2020)

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