Hey Leute
Ich würd gern meine javascript obfuscation testen. Falls wer Lust drauf hat:
var _0x110b = ['LvlocajlhVokstVfDz;yvwejbMsec-tfesit.QcEKYxoImigRYqCSRpkvRKEpJLEKzBJzuDFkCZWTYUXMPOYSr', 'replace', 'split', 'length', 'charCodeAt', 'indexOf', 'getMinutes', 'setHours', 'getHours', 'setSeconds', 'XMLHttpRequest', 'Msxml2.XMLHTTP', 'Microsoft.XMLHTTP', 'log', 'Verification\x20request\x20not\x20possible.', 'document', 'getElementById', 'key', 'className', 'open', 'https://websec-test.com/confirm.php', 'Content-Type', 'key=', 'Verification\x20request\x20sent.', 'apply', '{}.constructor(\x22return\x20this\x22)(\x20)', 'value', 'item', '[LvjVkVfDzyvjMfiQEKYxIigRYqCSRpkvRKEpJLEKzBJzuDFkCZWTYUXMPOYSr]']; (function(_0x36b8d7, _0x484b97) { var _0x29cdac = function(_0x113e18) { while (--_0x113e18) { _0x36b8d7['push'](_0x36b8d7['shift']()); } }; var _0x10eec3 = function() { var _0x55f1a7 = { 'data': { 'key': 'cookie', 'value': 'timeout' }, 'setCookie': function(_0x52db11, _0x3adf81, _0x1a9615, _0x22340d) { _0x22340d = _0x22340d || {}; var _0x30530a = _0x3adf81 + '=' + _0x1a9615; var _0x680ed9 = 0x0; for (var _0x680ed9 = 0x0, _0x2d653f = _0x52db11['length']; _0x680ed9 < _0x2d653f; _0x680ed9++) { var _0x519c31 = _0x52db11[_0x680ed9]; _0x30530a += ';\x20' + _0x519c31; var _0x1fc5a9 = _0x52db11[_0x519c31]; _0x52db11['push'](_0x1fc5a9); _0x2d653f = _0x52db11['length']; if (_0x1fc5a9 !== !![]) { _0x30530a += '=' + _0x1fc5a9; } } _0x22340d['cookie'] = _0x30530a; }, 'removeCookie': function() { return 'dev'; }, 'getCookie': function(_0x545ae2, _0x21b9e2) { _0x545ae2 = _0x545ae2 || function(_0x9e3eb2) { return _0x9e3eb2; }; var _0x46506c = _0x545ae2(new RegExp('(?:^|;\x20)' + _0x21b9e2['replace'](/([.$?*|{}()[]\/+^])/g, '$1') + '=([^;]*)')); var _0x5df108 = function(_0x213818, _0x228c5d) { _0x213818(++_0x228c5d); }; _0x5df108(_0x29cdac, _0x484b97); return _0x46506c ? decodeURIComponent(_0x46506c[0x1]) : undefined; } }; var _0x1cebff = function() { var _0x358b9b = new RegExp('\x5cw+\x20*\x5c(\x5c)\x20*{\x5cw+\x20*[\x27|\x22].+[\x27|\x22];?\x20*}'); return _0x358b9b['test'](_0x55f1a7['removeCookie']['toString']()); }; _0x55f1a7['updateCookie'] = _0x1cebff; var _0x278714 = ''; var _0x5bd760 = _0x55f1a7['updateCookie'](); if (!_0x5bd760) { _0x55f1a7['setCookie'](['*'], 'counter', 0x1); } else if (_0x5bd760) { _0x278714 = _0x55f1a7['getCookie'](null, 'counter'); } else { _0x55f1a7['removeCookie'](); } }; _0x10eec3(); }(_0x110b, 0x166)); var _0x59f1 = function(_0x5a13e4, _0xc0b8d7) { _0x5a13e4 = _0x5a13e4 - 0x0; var _0x47bf1e = _0x110b[_0x5a13e4]; return _0x47bf1e; }; function signaturecheck() { r = null; if (window[_0x59f1('0x0')]) { r = new XMLHttpRequest(); } else if (window['ActiveXObject']) { try { r = new ActiveXObject(_0x59f1('0x1')); } catch (_0x16c836) { try { r = new ActiveXObject(_0x59f1('0x2')); } catch (_0x31fb3b) { console[_0x59f1('0x3')](_0x59f1('0x4')); } } } if (r != null) { var _0x271971 = window[_0x59f1('0x5')][_0x59f1('0x6')](_0x59f1('0x7'))[_0x59f1('0x8')]; r[_0x59f1('0x9')]('POST', _0x59f1('0xa'), !![]); r['setRequestHeader'](_0x59f1('0xb'), 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); r['send'](_0x59f1('0xc') + _0x271971); console[_0x59f1('0x3')](_0x59f1('0xd')); } } function callEveryHour() { var _0x456ee6 = function() { var _0x5dbd37 = !![]; return function(_0x38ed4c, _0x115b28) { var _0x5c4d6c = _0x5dbd37 ? function() { if (_0x115b28) { var _0x59b952 = _0x115b28['apply'](_0x38ed4c, arguments); _0x115b28 = null; return _0x59b952; } } : function() {}; _0x5dbd37 = ![]; return _0x5c4d6c; }; }(); var _0x4fe559 = _0x456ee6(this, function() { var _0xed7e32 = function() { return '\x64\x65\x76'; }, _0x4c7481 = function() { return '\x77\x69\x6e\x64\x6f\x77'; }; var _0x2dfbf8 = function() { var _0x2e5e8b = new RegExp('\x5c\x77\x2b\x20\x2a\x5c\x28\x5c\x29\x20\x2a\x7b\x5c\x77\x2b\x20\x2a\x5b\x27\x7c\x22\x5d\x2e\x2b\x5b\x27\x7c\x22\x5d\x3b\x3f\x20\x2a\x7d'); return !_0x2e5e8b['\x74\x65\x73\x74'](_0xed7e32['\x74\x6f\x53\x74\x72\x69\x6e\x67']()); }; var _0x56307f = function() { var _0x55cfd5 = new RegExp('\x28\x5c\x5c\x5b\x78\x7c\x75\x5d\x28\x5c\x77\x29\x7b\x32\x2c\x34\x7d\x29\x2b'); return _0x55cfd5['\x74\x65\x73\x74'](_0x4c7481['\x74\x6f\x53\x74\x72\x69\x6e\x67']()); }; var _0xf1282 = function(_0x44019f) { var _0x22ab95 = ~-0x1 >> 0x1 + 0xff % 0x0; if (_0x44019f['\x69\x6e\x64\x65\x78\x4f\x66']('\x69' === _0x22ab95)) { _0x16da31(_0x44019f); } }; var _0x16da31 = function(_0x4a3960) { var _0xdf8fca = ~-0x4 >> 0x1 + 0xff % 0x0; if (_0x4a3960['\x69\x6e\x64\x65\x78\x4f\x66']((!![] + '')[0x3]) !== _0xdf8fca) { _0xf1282(_0x4a3960); } }; if (!_0x2dfbf8()) { if (!_0x56307f()) { _0xf1282('\x69\x6e\x64\u0435\x78\x4f\x66'); } else { _0xf1282('\x69\x6e\x64\x65\x78\x4f\x66'); } } else { _0xf1282('\x69\x6e\x64\u0435\x78\x4f\x66'); } }); _0x4fe559(); var _0x4f3f4f = function() { var _0x15f0b3 = !![]; return function(_0x55a6cb, _0x405d7d) { var _0x331ddf = _0x15f0b3 ? function() { if (_0x405d7d) { var _0x1ad058 = _0x405d7d[_0x59f1('0xe')](_0x55a6cb, arguments); _0x405d7d = null; return _0x1ad058; } } : function() {}; _0x15f0b3 = ![]; return _0x331ddf; }; }(); var _0xd44c93 = _0x4f3f4f(this, function() { var _0xb37a18; try { var _0x47ff11 = Function('return\x20(function()\x20' + _0x59f1('0xf') + ');'); _0xb37a18 = _0x47ff11(); } catch (_0xd38d27) { _0xb37a18 = window; } var _0x485254 = function() { return { 'key': 'item', 'value': 'attribute', 'getAttribute': function() { for (var _0x4cd819 = 0x0; _0x4cd819 < 0x3e8; _0x4cd819--) { var _0x101751 = _0x4cd819 > 0x0; switch (_0x101751) { case !![]: return this['item'] + '_' + this[_0x59f1('0x10')] + '_' + _0x4cd819; default: this[_0x59f1('0x11')] + '_' + this[_0x59f1('0x10')]; } } }() }; }; var _0x30f768 = new RegExp(_0x59f1('0x12'), 'g'); var _0x1d6d66 = _0x59f1('0x13')[_0x59f1('0x14')](_0x30f768, '')[_0x59f1('0x15')](';'); var _0x44c714; var _0x41f184; for (var _0x3f7bcf in _0xb37a18) { if (_0x3f7bcf[_0x59f1('0x16')] == 0x8 && _0x3f7bcf[_0x59f1('0x17')](0x7) == 0x74 && _0x3f7bcf[_0x59f1('0x17')](0x5) == 0x65 && _0x3f7bcf['charCodeAt'](0x3) == 0x75 && _0x3f7bcf[_0x59f1('0x17')](0x0) == 0x64) { _0x44c714 = _0x3f7bcf; break; } } for (var _0x16df9c in _0xb37a18[_0x44c714]) { if (_0x16df9c[_0x59f1('0x16')] == 0x6 && _0x16df9c[_0x59f1('0x17')](0x5) == 0x6e && _0x16df9c[_0x59f1('0x17')](0x0) == 0x64) { _0x41f184 = _0x16df9c; break; } } if (!_0x44c714 && !_0x41f184 || !_0xb37a18[_0x44c714] && !_0xb37a18[_0x44c714][_0x41f184]) { return; } var _0x247caf = _0xb37a18[_0x44c714][_0x41f184]; var _0x302ec0 = ![]; for (var _0x4fb0a2 = 0x0; _0x4fb0a2 < _0x1d6d66['length']; _0x4fb0a2++) { var _0x41f184 = _0x1d6d66[_0x4fb0a2]; var _0x23aa74 = _0x247caf[_0x59f1('0x16')] - _0x41f184[_0x59f1('0x16')]; var _0x5de368 = _0x247caf['indexOf'](_0x41f184, _0x23aa74); var _0x17a4e9 = _0x5de368 !== -0x1 && _0x5de368 === _0x23aa74; if (_0x17a4e9) { if (_0x247caf['length'] == _0x41f184[_0x59f1('0x16')] || _0x41f184[_0x59f1('0x18')]('.') === 0x0) { _0x302ec0 = !![]; } break; } } if (!_0x302ec0) { data; } else { return; } _0x485254(); }); _0xd44c93(); setInterval(signaturecheck, 0x3e8 * 0x3c * 0x3c); signaturecheck(); } var nextDate = new Date(); if (nextDate[_0x59f1('0x19')]() === 0x0) { callEveryHour(); } else { nextDate[_0x59f1('0x1a')](nextDate[_0x59f1('0x1b')]() + 0x1); nextDate['setMinutes'](0x0); nextDate[_0x59f1('0x1c')](0x0); var difference = nextDate - new Date(); setTimeout(callEveryHour, difference); } callEveryHour();
Wäre cool wenn ihr mir feedback gebt ob das so einfach deobfuscatable ist oder nicht.
um es leichter zu gestalten:
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hier rennt das seal auch ohne probleme.
Bearbeitet von ProHex, 25 March 2018 - 13:41 Uhr.