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RDP Multi Tool [cracked by #PCR#]

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RDP Multi Tool [cracked by #PCR#]



  Tool Beschreibung

RDP Multi Tool is a software that makes it easy to work with RDP servers, with many useful functions for quickly processing server lists.


  • Accepts the formats IP @ User; Pass and IP: Port @ User; Pass, for the first format itself will add port 3389.
  • The ability to open the server from the list in one click through the built-in RDP client or RDP Plus.
  • Sorting servers by different files, files can be opened from the program.
  • The ability to open the server without the user / pass to get a list of users a also make a screenshot.
  • Converter from .TXT format in mRemoteNG format (no higher than 1.74 Final).
  • Ability to change the delimiter for your databases for import / export.
  • Ability to split the database into IPs.txt, Port.txt, Users.txt, Pass.txt.
  • IP search in the IP format: Port @ user; pass or IP @ user; pass, will return the entire line, it is convenient when selling the decks, in one click get the IP list from the file, the buyer returns the necessary IP, you do a search and get List in full format.
  • Import files in one click or Drag and Drop
  • When you close the program, the settings are saved.
  • You can determine the country, city, region through freegeoip.net or geoip.nekudo.com and also save them in the database.
  • Ping servers.
  • Check the port availability, so you can easily sort the servers.
  • Import the file after the checker from z668.
  • Sorting servers.
  • You can add a comment for each server.
  • Ability to add a server through the form, not only through import.
  • You can change the timeout of the connection for the RDP Viewer.
  • Built-in RDP Viewer will show the status of the connection (Connecting, Online, Connected, Disconnect ed).
  • After log off, the form is closed (previously a white window hung).
  • Ability to make screenshots of all servers, so you can understand what is happening on each server.
  • Keyboard hook for RDP Viewer.
  • Smart Size for RDP Viewer.
  • Color Depth (8,16,32).
  • Option Clear All RDC History and Entries.
  • Check for update.
  • Remove duplicates


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