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Black Bullet 2.4.4 [cracked]

- - - - - BlackBullet 2.4.4

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    Favoured Management

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  • Android [root]
  • Windows, Linux

Neue Version verfügbar: BlackBullet 2.5.1



BlackBullet 2.4.4 [cracked]




  Tool Beschreibung


  • Removed the Christmas Theme but kept the snow as an optional Theme setting that can be enabled.
  • [Feature] The Bot Log is now disabled by default when bruteforcing, to allow more speed and less CPU usage to the average user. If you're a config maker and want to debug your bots like you used to to, simply enable the new option in Settings > General.
  • [Feature] You can now save hits directly to a file from the HitsDB (rightclick menu)


  • [Bugfix] Now UnixTimeToDate and UnixTimeToISO8601 can handle milliseconds inputs as well
  • [Bugfix] Not skipping the first line anymore
  • [Feature] New function DateToUnixTime
  • [Bugfix] Fixed parse with empty L and R (source)
  • [Bugfix] The warning when proxies run out and no unban options is selected will now be prompted just once
  • [Bugfix] Solved the issue with using the captcha from screenshot
  • [Bugfix] Fixed UI bug in the Script Block's editor
  • [Bugfix] The starting point is updated after an abort without the need to reload wordlist / config
  • [Feature] You can now write SET GCOOKIES in LoliScript to copy all the cookies from the current cookie jar to the shared jar. The cookies in the shared jar will be assigned to each of the bots' own cookie jar when they are starting up (so the jar won't be empty anymore at the start). You can use this in conjunction with a global variable to set a trigger of when the cookies are set or expired.
  • [Feature] Added a new fixed variable <BOTNUM> to retrieve the number of the current bot processing the combo (this allows to have bots dedicated to specific jobs e.g. retrieving cookies)

Diese Version kann Probleme mit der CPU-Auslastung verursachen.


Please Login HERE or Register HERE to see this link!

  • 3eyes gefällt das



,,Der blaue Baum" von Prohex (2020)

Thanked by 3 Members:
Kozuki , x1z0ng , bebekid32

Dr. Spic

Dr. Spic


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Neuste Version ist die 2.5.1




Hatte das Glück und konnte dieses geniale Werkzeug kaufen bevor der Verkauf gestoppt wurde.


Wird ja stetig weiterentwickelt und verbessert.

  • 3eyes gefällt das

Thanked by 1 Member:

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Auch mit einem oder mehreren dieser Stichwörter versehen: BlackBullet, 2.4.4

Dieses Thema wurde von 62 Mitglied(ern) gelesen

    .:dodo:., 3eyes, admercant, ADOL, b0kerst3l, bebekid32, Blackhook, blue_eyed_devil, Brokolie, C4shin0ut, Ch!ller, Crowx88, CyberFlash, Dean36, dev-0, Dicklessde, Dr. Spic, DR.zydz, Drikerise, DudaM, EpicWormer, Exynos, frei, FrogPussyGreen, g0rillaz, gr33d, Henry Dorsett, JohnR, K31X, keko1337, kiwitone, kleinkriminell, Kozuki, LiandBlood, matrix567, mettbrot, Mofug, N4dja, nibble nibble, NoMercy, p.samson, PadX18, PaulaAbdul, ProHex, ReBBeL, Rogerlopensio, shootek, Silasge, Silent0wn3r, sub0, Toskom4n, Tw0F1sh, vital, wbx32, westendboy, White-Warti, x1z0ng, Xenos88, xl3iitches, xrahitel, xVirtu, Zerobyte
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