#IMPORTS import hashlib import os import sys import datetime #GLOBAL startTime = datetime.datetime.now() #DEBUG MESSAGES def action(msg) : print '[#] - ' + msg def alert(msg) : print '[+] - ' + msg def error(msg) : print '[!] - ' + msg def errorExit(msg) : raise SystemExit('[!] - ' + msg) #MD5 STRING def md5(string): return hashlib.md5(string).hexdigest() #PERMUTATION BUILDER def xpermutation(characters, size): if size == 0: yield [] else: for x in xrange(len(characters)): for y in xpermutation(characters[:x] + characters[x:], size - 1): yield [characters[x]] + y #BRUTE FORCE def bruteForce(hash): attempt = 0 characters = list('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789') maxLength = xrange(0,25) stringBuilder = '' for length in maxLength: for x in xpermutation(characters, length): permutation = stringBuilder + ''.join(x) attempt = attempt + 1 if md5(permutation) == hash: end_time = str(datetime.datetime.now() - startTime).split('.')[0] print '[' + str(attempt) + '] - ' + permutation + ' - CRACKED! Took ' + end_time raw_input('\nPress the <ENTER> key to EXIT...') sys.exit() else: print '[' + str(attempt) + '] - ' + permutation errorExit('Failed to brute force hash.') #START if os.name == 'nt' : os.system('cls') else : os.system('clear') print ''.rjust(56, '#') print '#' + ''.center(54) + '#' print '# MD5 Hash Cracker'.ljust(55) + '#' print '# Version 1.0.0'.ljust(55) + '#' print '# Coded by Cranky in Python 2.7.5'.ljust(55) + '#' print '# Download : http://www.ioscoderz.com'.ljust(55) + '#' print '#' + ''.center(54) + '#' print ''.rjust(56, '#') if sys.version_info.major != 2 or sys.version_info.minor != 7: errorExit('Requires Python version 2.7') if len(sys.argv) == 2: if len(sys.argv[1]) == 32 and sys.argv[1].isalnum(): bruteForce(sys.argv[1]) else: error('Invalid MD5 hash!') errorExit('Usage : crackermd5.py [HASH]') else: error('Missing command line arguments.') errorExit('Usage : crackermd5.py [HASH]')
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[Python] MD5 Cracker
Erstellt von
, 16.12.2013 00:08
Geschrieben 16 December 2013 - 00:08 Uhr

Ich versteh zwar echt nicht warum python in den webcoding bereich gehört, aber egal:
Ich "hacke" keine whatsapp oder facebook accounts aber schreibt mich ruhig an was das betrifft dann hab ich was zu lachen.
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