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WHMCS 7.7.1-release1 - ioncube decoded

- - - - - WHMCS 7.7.1 WHMCS 7.7.1 Decoded ioncube sucks websecurity

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Version 7.7.1 Release Notes


Release Information 
Version: 7.7.1
Release Type: Maintenance
Release Date: 11th February 2019
Distribution Types: Full Version, Incremental and via Automatic Updater


Download the latest version of WHMCS from 

Please Login HERE or Register HERE to see this link!

Upgrade Process

Please Login HERE or Register HERE to see this link!

Automatic Updating

If you are running WHMCS 7.0 or later, you can use the built-in Automatic Update utility.

Simply navigate to Utilities > Update WHMCS to begin the process.

  If the update was released recently, you may need to click the Check for Updates button before the update will show as available.
WHMCS v7.7.1 requires Ioncube Loader 10.1 or higher. The Automatic Updater verifies this requirement for you in v7.4.2. If you are using the Automatic Updater and are not yet on v7.4.2, then you will not see the v7.6.1 update but only v7.4.2. Use the Auto Updater to first update to v7.4.2. After this, v7.6.1 will viewable and the Automatic Updater will be able to verify all requirements before proceeding to this latest version.

For more information about the Automatic Updater and troubleshooting please refer to the 

Please Login HERE or Register HERE to see this link!


Release Notes

This is a maintenance release that contains bug fixes and usability improvements. A full list of change can be found in the 

Please Login HERE or Register HERE to see this link!


Template Changes

No template changes have been made for this release.


CORE-13080 - Update WHOIS server for .vc, .vg, .tc
CORE-13081 - Improve jQuery selector used by stripe.js for better template compatibility
CORE-13102 - Correct logic for re-verification of client email on admin change
CORE-13105 - Correct ticket attachment aggregation utilized for storage migration
CORE-13106 - Ensure Custom Invoice Numbering is applied to all created invoices
CORE-13107 - Improve file migration error display
CORE-13116 - Correct tax rate inconsistency on new invoices
CORE-13119 - Correct due date assignment on manually generated invoices
CORE-13120 - Improve SSL certificate validity detection
CORE-13124 - Correct same-directory name collisions for analyzed storage configuration settings
CORE-13127 - Update WHOIS server for .ch
CORE-13131 - Prevent DOM error in Chrome for activating a payment gateway
CORE-13132 - Ensure Predefined Products can be applied to quotes
CORE-13134 - Improve UX for invalidated storage configurations
CORE-13141 - Correct captcha validation for ticket form submissions
CORE-13143 - Prevent PDO exception when sorting by Service Addon name
CORE-13144 - Correct goto parameter usage when authenticating via AutoAuth
CORE-13145 - Correct application of login captcha settings for AutoAuth authentications
CORE-13146 - Correct ordering of service list on tickets
CORE-13149 - Optimize and improve resilence of queries in SSL Sync cron task
    Also known as: CORE-13147
CORE-13151 - Prevent widget minimization from affecting layout location
CORE-13152 - Correct missing details in Setup Advance Mode for CodeGuard
CORE-13158 - Correct display of attachment not found error when sending templated email
CORE-13177 - Correct custom module categorization in Apps and Integrations
CORE-13179 - Correct view construction for Client > Service Addons and Client > Domain Registrations pages
CORE-13181 - Update WHOIS server for .ca
CORE-13186 - Ensure admin area addons search returns appropriate results
CORE-13189 - Correct error when attempting to generate PDF invoices using dejavusans font
CORE-13140 - Correct compatibility issue with automatic updates in PHP 7.3


PMA-136 - Correct trigger for invoice data snapshot generation
    Also known as: CORE-13121, CORE-13122, CORE-13139
PMA-137 - Provide fallback logic for environments which cannot detect browser-viewable attachment content


MODULE-6598 - Ensure Nominet shows TAG Change option when AllowClientTAGChange is enabled on module settings
MODULE-6949 - Correct invoice payment record for non-hosting with 2CO Inline
MODULE-6957 - Correct admin area JS error trigged by subscription cancellation associated with 2CO
MODULE-6961 - Assert required format of CA postal codes with Namecheap API
MODULE-6962 - Update fallback logic to account for inconsistent PayPal transitory subscription id schema
MODULE-6965 - Add support for Payments Cancelled events with GoCardless
MODULE-6966 - Ensure CodeGuard services show in Manage dropdown of client area
MODULE-6967 - Ensure Existing Domain addon selection is limited to applicable products
MODULE-6969 - Correct tax application for overdue or custom invoices with 2CO
MODULE-6971 - Prevent error for completed transaction with PayJunction
MODULE-6972 - Correct Disk Space value of Professional plan on CodeGuard Upgrade page
CORE-13078 - Update Slack logo
CORE-13172 - Prevent error when performing delete on release via Nominet


CORE-13101 - Return replyid in replies data of GetTicket API
CORE-13138 - Ensure currency data is provided in response of GetInvoices API
    Also known as: CORE-13047


CORE-12832 - Update client Italian translation
CORE-12987 - Update client Hebrew translation
CORE-13085 - Correct client German translation
CORE-13118 - Update Hungarian translations
    Also known as: CORE-13030



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  • darookie, IRET, MrZitrus und 4 anderen gefällt das

Thanked by 13 Members:
koloxov , skellenb , joeroot , simsa , parisdefr , Citerinjo2 , darookie , MrZitrus , Citerinjo , nibble nibble , solidius , hanirouatbi1 , SecurityFlaw




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wie komme ich an das Passwort?








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wie komme ich an das Passwort?






indem du die noobprotection für das passwort entfernst. Ich war ja sogar so nett zu schreiben was benutzt wurde.

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