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Tabulus Rotatum | Chrome URL Rotation (FLEM Alternative)

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Tabulus Rotatum | Chrome Extension

FLEM Alternative




  Tool Beschreibung
Tabulus Rotatum takes a given list of URLs and corresponding times (in seconds) and shows each URL for the given amount of time. The first URL is loaded in a background tab and once loaded, the active tab will close and then "sit" on the first URL for the given time interval. This continues and loops for the entire URL list. This is ideal for dashboards and kiosks and can be started with the browser startup.

New features:

- URLs and time intervals can be loaded from a text webpage. This can be set to auto-load so you can update the URLs remotely. With this feature enabled, every time you restart Tabulus Rotatum the URLs are loaded from the given text webpage.
- Bad data is removed. If there is no semicolon or more than 1 semicolon, the line is ignored and removed. If there is no URL and/or time interval, the line is ignored and removed. If the time interval is not a number, the line is ignored or removed.


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