SixFigureBoss.com| aspkin© 2013 2SEO Link Building Mini Guide Quickly:A satellite page is generally a niche specific (keyword targeted) content piece that is shared on 3rd party Web 2.0 type websites that link back to your money page to influence your search engine rankings.These are pages you build on websites such as Blogger.com, Wordpress.com and similar web 2.0 type websites and article directories.Sounds complicated?Think of satellite pages as mini-websites that can be built in minutes. The goal of these pages are tohelp increase your brand presence in the search engines.Imagine being able to take ENTIRE pagesin the search engines and squeezing out your competition for your money keywords. Satellite pages enable you to do this as well as increase your money page link profile which in turn will boost yoursearch engine rankings.Satellite pages are able to soak up bad links and because of their trust with Google they will not for the most part become penalized. And if they do, it doesn't matter as long as you lead with quality over quantity (more on that in a moment). Google will rank these pages typically higher and easier because of their associated age and trust, making them powerful aid in your bid to increase your search engine rankings
Bearbeitet von Zero00m, 09 October 2019 - 12:08 Uhr.