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[DB Dump] Nazi Forum | ~176GB Dump

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  • Moderator
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  • 134 Beiträge
  • 44 Bedankt


Vielleicht der eine oder andere schon gelesen.


Tarnkappe.info :

Please Login HERE or Register HERE to see this link!


Hübsche Datenbank, die "orig_member.csv" beinhaltet rund 764 Zeilen.

Vielleicht möchte ja wer von euch auch etwas stöbern.


Torrent :

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(Alle Links von tarnkappe.info)




# Iron March SQL Database

This archive contains the SQL database dump of a backup of the Iron March forum, as well as scripts for converting the separate tables in the database into CSV files, and the CSV files themselves in the directory `csv/`.
The original link was posted to Iron March's successor forum Fascist Forge in the post

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, but that link is now dead.

A mirror for an archive containing the database is the following website

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which hosts a magnet link that can be used to download the database by opening the following URL in a torrent client:
and selecting the file "The Archives/Iron March - NOOSE Backups/Iron March - Rope Culture Website Backups/Iron March - Rope Culture Backups/database.sql"

Currently the scripts to convert the SQL dump into CSV files only work on a Linux OS.
To extract CSV files of all tables in the database, run the following scripts in the specified order (from the `scripts/` directory):

bash split_sql_tables.sh
python rename_dumps.py
bash convert_to_sqlite.sh
bash convert_to_csv.sh

The script `convert_to_sqlite.sh` requires the script `mysql2sqlite`, which was
downloaded from

Please Login HERE or Register HERE to see this link!

You will likely need to enable the file `mysql2sqlite` to run as an executable, using the following command:

chmod +x mysql2sqlite

The prerequisites needed to execute these scripts are:
- Python distribution with default libraries
- sqlite3 distribution

Bearbeitet von CyberFlash, 09 November 2019 - 18:47 Uhr.

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