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DarkSky - Native Botnet Source Code | HVNC

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  • Premium Member
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  • 118 Beiträge
  • 667 Bedankt
  • Android [root]
  • Windows, Linux

Vielleicht kann damit ja jemand was anfangen, soll wohl nicht (mehr) voll funktionsfähig sein.


  Tool Beschreibung

DarkSky - Botnet, which contains a
convenient interface for management,
effective and convenient functionality,
functions for downloading / uploading / launching
any files from all
victims in your control panel.

The control panel - was developed for tough combat conditions and high traffic volumes.
Thanks to modern technologies, the panel has functions to protect against external influences on it, you can
not be afraid that the abuses will find you. This was checked by 3 months, not a single complaint was made to the hosting companies, not
one client.

+ Source code
+ Updates at least a year
+ I will open a way to add payload (to bypass AB) Bot

+ Protection from bot scanning programs: Wireshark, HTTPAnalyzer, ProcessHacker, MonitorTraffic and also continue this list.
+ Additional Loader, if there is no build from the botnet on the PC, this "loader" will load the build (ie recover)
+ Main Loader - loads and starts the file.
+ In the panel, you can specify the time for the bots to be banned.
+ Uninstall build on bots in 1 click in the panel.
+ Running Proxy servers with different types of HTTP / S, Socks 4/5 with login or password for authorization.

+ Functions for unloading any files from the victim with the PC, and sending them to the panel.
+ Functions for working with memory, turning off DEP mode - for writing to memory.
+ Bypass to bypass UAC'a, works on WinXP. 


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Bearbeitet von funstyler, 02 January 2020 - 16:18 Uhr.

  • nong_dan, Ch!ller, xodiak und 3 anderen gefällt das

Thanked by 11 Members:
1nsane , X3r0X , Zero00m , nong_dan , gh0stb0y , parisdefr , kahn , church , Smn , xodiak , Zerobyte

Dieses Thema wurde von 6 Mitglied(ern) gelesen

    Bot4ng, johnjones17, kiwitone, loziov1, m0ph0s, MarkusxX
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