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WebSecNinja: Lesser Known WebAttacks †“ WSN

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WebSecNinja: Lesser Known WebAttacks is a brand new and unique web security course that takes the learner to the next level of web security. A perfect blend of latest and lesser known web attacks that are explained with ultimate details and accompanied by demos and †œhow tos† that you can apply in real world red-team pentesting and security assessments. The course curriculum is designed to include web attacks and techniques that are not much documented in books, trainings, courses and elsewhere. The course doesn†™t have a fixed agenda and the purpose of that is to accommodate latest attacks as and when they are discovered or published on various conferences like BlackHat, DEFCON etc. This course is best suited for web security architects, students, web developers, front-end javascript developers, security engineers, and security consultants. The contents of the course are well structured to satisfy all kind of audience from beginner to advanced level of competence.






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Bearbeitet von DR.zydz, 03 February 2020 - 13:01 Uhr.

  • Terrafaux, Payload und Checkcheckedmate gefällt das




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Checkcheckedmate , parisdefr , JackTheRapper , SmartOperator




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@DR.zydz Der Hidetag funktioniert nicht.

  • DR.zydz gefällt das

Es gibt tausendundeinen Grund, warum ein Mensch bestimmte Einzelheiten seiner Privatsphäre nicht offenbaren will, und es besteht nicht die geringste Pflicht, dies auch noch aktzeptieren zu müssen.

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