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NLbrute 1.2

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Eine Antwort in diesem Thema




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Brutes the Dedicos on which OS version Vista and higher is installed (everything where NLA is supported)
Stable operation with a large number of threads (500 and above)
Relatively high brute speed (depends primarily on the outgoing speed of the Internet), in this case, the brute went at a speed of ~ 5/5 Mbit
Brutus runs on any version of Windows since XP / 2003
No installation of any libraries required
Supports Unicode during authorization and templates% username%,% USERNAME%
If the operation fails, operation is possible starting from the place where the brutus stopped
Low system requirements
When working does not create any unnecessary processes
The brute goes along the list of servers, that is, at first there is a brute of all servers in the list by the first login pair; password, then by the second and so on, which avoids possible blockages from the servers
Support for non-standard ports (you can feed lines of the form as input)
1) support for empty passwords has appeared
2) now the brute automatically determines the domains, for example:
80.152.71 .59 @ ACPSOLUTIONSLTD \ Administrator; P @ ssw0r d \ Administrator; password
3) for those who use the masscan scanner, you can immediately upload the scan results to the brute, without prior parsing.
4) small changes in performance
5) can now be minimized to tray
6) it is possible to disable the check of the server list during brute, in case the check list is loaded
7) the default RDP port can be selected if lists of servers without ports are loaded (before that, the default port was 3389)
8) reset the brute, if you want to start the brute again, while not loading the ip / user / password lists again
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  • bercik302 gefällt das

Cracked-Scriptz <3


Thanked by 4 Members:
zack14 , Zero00m , parisdefr , x1z0ng




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