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Monetizing Shells (2010) - (Antichat - TuT)

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    Script Kiddie

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Hey. Today I decided to cover monetization of shells.
In it, interesting ideas can be picked up by both a beginner and a pro in this field.
And so, I throw in a small list:

1.Traffic, frames *
2.Dorvays *
3.Exchanges of links
5.E-Mail spam *
Everything that is marked * requires certain conditions from the site.

Method # 1: Traff
While we were breaking the site, we could already have noticed the characteristics of the site (counters).
* If it has 250+ * unique (hosts) per day,
then it should be used for downloads. What do we need? Beginners should not get into this business, they need to invest at least $ 700.

Cryptographic Bundle(Price from $ 300 +, you can ask your friends / acquaintances, a normal bundle costs $ 700-1000)
Abuse host (from $ 70 +, you can test on freehost)
2 Domain abuse (1 for TDS (if you never know what the domain with a bundle, and with the tds you just redirect the traffic, although there were moments when they abused and tds. Another domain for the bundle)
Crypt exe ($ 20 +, at least you need to crypt for a week, desirably every 2-3 days with 10k + traffic)
[ +] Your own botnet, your own downloads
[+] If you load three types of Zeus / Pinch, then there are chances to remove the bank account with lavender . To remove - you need injections (bypassing the protection), they cost money, of course.
[+] Own Socks / Proxy and logs / FTP (By the way! Trojans contain FTPs and admin panels, from there you can also get PR sites 


Calculate for yourself how much money you need for a startup. With money less than 1k $ I do not recommend getting into this. Great chances to burn out. I will not describe this, full of other articles.
[-] Great chances to burn out without earning. Don't even understand what happened 


[-] Law

Method # 2: Doorways
If you understand the doorways (ru \ eng - no difference) then this is great. Without experience, little will come of it. Nobody will burn the topics.
The most profitable way to monetize shells (just the author's opinion)
Requires the condition: trust shell PR5 + And 1 of this:
1.Xrumer with databases and a server
2. more shells (10+, PR5 +)
Ok. You can read the articles from kot777 in more detail.
Most do:
Man # 1 (hacker) man extracts shells
Man # 2 (Seo specialist) generates doorways on the hacker's shells, which get to the top, the 

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 pays % for sales.
Pharma affiliates:

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 - Accepts many types of traffic, not the first year in the arena, payments on time.
Finding other pharma affiliates is not difficult, Google will help you.

Method # 3: Link exchanges
Another good way to monetize a shell with a stable passive profit.
There are many link exchanges, everyone chooses what is more convenient / practical / profitable for him.
Requires some conditions: If the work is on ru, then TCI is needed .
We register in any link exchange, add codes for displaying links, files, folders, etc., as required by the exchange.
The profit will go on increasing. If on the first day 30 rubles, then on the second 40-45, on the third 60-80, as further - you will see 


[+] A small passive profit
[+] Setting the code will take less than 10 minutes
[-] Abuza, it may come suddenly, after that you will hardly receive payments.
[-] Not all sites accept or sites are already in the system

Method # 4: Selling

The easiest way 


Estimated prices:
PR4 - $ 10
PR5 - $ 20-25
PR6 - $ 30-35
PR7 - $ 60 +
Shell in the .edu zone - $ 80 +
Shell in the .ru zone with a title of 10 - $ 1-6.
Shell dummy - 0.5 - 1.0 $.
Shell with working php mail () - $ 3-8.
FTP with working CGI under DM (Direct Mailer) - $ 5-7.
Shell / FTP with Russian or English traffic - $ 10-17 per 1,000 unique per day.
The price was compiled for 06 \ 2010 - 07 \ 2010 personally by the author.

Method # 5: E-Mail spam
We need FTP with a working CGI for Direct Mailer, shells with a working php mail ().
We are looking for databases, proxies, bulletproof affiliate network, redirects and everything that is necessary for email spam.
The inbox will be small. New systems cut out 99% of spam.
The method is beneficial if there are very good bases and a topic of how to convert traffic well.
I won't write much, because no experience in spam.

Squeezing dollars out of shells is very interesting and profitable!
ps: leave comments, the author is pleased 


All material is posted for informational purposes only.
DeluxeS aka dlxs
When copying, please take into account all links, as well as provide a link to the source.

UPD 03 \ 08 \ 10 - do not meddle without vpn and socks.
Use vpn, inexpensive:

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Reviews they have there 


Personal recommendations of the author.
UPD 04 \ 08 \ 10 - It is advisable not to write to PM \ ICQ, ask questions here.

Copy & past!

Deine Anonym Image Hosting


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