Professional Tutorials: Deutsch: -Verteidigung gegen SQl Injection Angriffe by Daniel Lutz -SQL Injection Erklärung by Webapplikations-Sicherheit Artikel. -Advanced SQL injection in MYSQL by Mücahit Yekta und Ali Recai Yekta (2008) 1a -More advanced SQL injection 1b -More advanced SQL injection 1c -Implementation vulnerabilities and detection by Informatik Uni hamburg -Hackers Blackbook by Unex English: -Preventing SQL Injection Attacks by Wb.Boyd und Angelos D. -An Introduction to SQL Injection Attacks for Oracle developers by Integrigy -Blind SQL injection autmation Tecniques by Cameroin Hotchkies -Blind SQL injection by SPI Labs -Blindfolded SQL Injection by ofer Maor und Amichai Shulman -Deep Blind SQL Injection by Ferruh Mavituna -How to wirte SQL Injection proof by oracle -Manipulating Microsoft SQL Server Using SQL Inkection by Cesar cerrudo -Methods of Quick Exploitation of Blind SQL Injection by Dmitry Evteev -Preventing SQL Injection Attacks by Wb.Boyd und Angelos D. -SQL Injection by Janus -SQL Injection by SPI Kevin Spitt -SQL injection by unbekannt -SQL Injection Module 19 by Ethical Hacker -SQL injection. attacks and defenses by dan Boneh -SQL_Injection by Collabtive -SQL-Injection-Attacks-and-Defense---Syngress by Justin Clarke -Uncommon SQL Injection by N3T D3VIL Amateur Tutorials: Deutsch: -SQL Injection by J0hn.x3r (alle Teile) -SQL Injection by Fred777 (alle Teile) -SQL Injection by Kera -SQL Injection by Ex0duS -SQL Injection by Staix -SQL Injection by Paloxus -SQL Injection by N3Cr0N -SQL Injection by Paloxus -SQL Injection by Yahomie -SQL Injection by Someone -SQL Injection by Padrino -SQL Injection by Comic -SQL Injection by Cr4ck3r -SQL Injection by Simba -SQL Injection by Lindloses Auge -SQL Injection by Snitch + externe Codes -SQL Injection. Local File Inclusion. XSS by unbekannt Englisch: -SQL Injection by cyb3r0cker -SQL Injection by hackguide4u -SQL Injection by Orik/Zebra -SQL Injection by w0rd -SQL Injection by unbekannt (P1-P3) Sonstiges: -Inhaltsangabe -Credits -SQL commands -SQLi Dorks -SQl Injection Programme
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SQLi Tutorial Pack by Ziegenpeter
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, 13.01.2014 16:16
Geschrieben 13 January 2014 - 16:16 Uhr
Da es meiner Meinung nach das beste Package ist, wollte ich es euch nicht vorenthalten!
- PaulaAbdul, blue_eyed_devil, White-Warti und 26 anderen gefällt das
Alle Angaben und Informationen dienen lediglich der Theorie!
Thanked by 15 Members:
Geschrieben 13 January 2014 - 19:32 Uhr
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