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IRC bruteforcer controlled (SSH/telnet)

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    Script Kiddie

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Spaggiari scanner comes in 2 versions, a CLI version and an IRC version.

You must edit the config in the IRC version in order to have the bot connect.

CLI Commands
Usage: spaggiari.py [OPTIONS] [SCAN]

Option    Description
-d    enable deep scanning.
-f    enable fast scanning.
-o <path>    save output from scan(s) to file.
Scan    Description
-l <path>    scan a list of ip addresses from file.
-x    scan random ip addresses. (does not stop)
-r <class> <range>    scan a range of ip addresses.
-t <ip>    scan a target ip address.
Deep scanning uses a larger list of combos to bruteforce with.

IRC Commands
Command    Description
@random    Scan random ip addresses.
@Ranger4You <class> <range>    Scan a range of ip addresses.
@Ranger4You <class> random    Scan a random range of ip addresses.
@status    Check the scanning status on the bot.
@stop    Stop all current running scans.
Note: The can be b or c. The is the ip address range prefix to scan.

CLI Examples:

spaggiari.py -r b 192.168 (Scans the range
spaggiari.py -r c 192.168.1 (Scans the range
spaggiari.py -r b random (Scans the range ?.?.0.0-?.?.255.255)
spaggiari.py -r c random (Scans the range ?.?.?.0-?.?./.255)
IRC Examples:

@Ranger4You b 192.168 (Scans the range
@Ranger4You c 192.168.1 (Scans the range
@Ranger4You b random (Scans the range ?.?.0.0-?.?.255.255)
@Ranger4You c random (Scans the range ?.?.?.0-?.?./.255)


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Bearbeitet von Zero00m, 18 December 2020 - 22:48 Uhr.

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