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Amadey Loader [PHP | No Builder!]

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    Script Kiddie

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  • Android
  • Windows





● Both the loader (C ++) and the panel (PHP) were written from scratch, they are not a modification of other programs

● Full compatibility with all versions of Windows of the NT family (tests on XP and newer, including 10/2016), 32/64

● Has a full set of standard features (country selection, download limit, etc.)

● Has control over loading and launching, retries up to 3 times in case of failure, reports to the SS - you can see in real time the statistics of the task (Progress), whether there are any problems with loading or launching, as well as the real number of successfully launched copies (Success )

● Working with DLL through rundll32

● Control the startup of your files! (a2019 can run your files after OS reboot or you can use your own autorun of your file - optional)

● Autostart not from the Windows registry

● Exact determination of the OS version by minor / major and its bitness

● Ability to give a personal task to each unit

● Qualitative exit from the LOW level of integration

● Definition of 12 main anti-virus packages (we will expand further)

● Powerful statistics without unnecessary, unnecessary "water"

● Supports synchronization via FastFlux and similar "spacers"

● Not workable on the territory of the Russian Federation and brotherly countries (functionality is limited by sound)

● All internal constants under DES, unique encryption key for each build

● SS is easy to deploy, tables are created and the database is connected from the SS interface

● File size 47 kb.


[Builder muss nach gecode werden!]


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otnpeiqrnnjhemftez , wurzel , 90wpo8vcuy5t5943ony76 , Polymorphin , gh0stb0y , Zerobyte , OMEGA , StYl3z , parisdefr

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