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[Guide] Spreading Methods (New UpDate 2021)

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    Script Kiddie

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Spreading Methods Guide

Method 1 - Youtube spreading
1. Download random youtube video about cheats/hacks for popular games(eg. roblox, csgo, fortnite)
2. Crypt your rat file using any good crypter
3. Upload the video on your own channel and put a download link to your rat
4. Do this with 5 to 10 vids per day to get more spreads

Method 2 - Torrent spreading
1. Crate a fake cracked or download real crack(Software, Games and more)
2. Crate payload and fake name it like the crack or bind your payload to real crack
3. Get user is upload history of software & games or try to upload in the free upload torrent websites
4. If you get user with upload history so you dont need many files to spam but if you upload to free torrent site with low traffic you need mass upload

Method 3 - Facebook Spreading
1. Find cracking or cheating facebook groups
2. Crypt your rat file
3. Spam it saying it's a cheat or cracking tool

Method 4 - Business Spreading (requires FUD doc or pdf exploit but is very worth it)
1. Get a doc or pdf exploit
2. Create a infected doc or pdf with your rat file
3. Go to the website of a business
4. Get the employees email addresses
5. Mass mail them with your infected doc file attached to the email saying it's a report, job resume or something you can think of

------------- Silent Miner Spreading Methods -------------

Do not spread your rats on this forum, doing this will result in ban
1) Spreading your Silent Miner with MEGA Accounts
First, you will need MEGA\SendSpace\ZippyShare combo lists You will upload your Miner or RAT to these MEGA\SendSpace\ZippyShare accounts, the process is tedious, but you might be able to find an uploader to upload to many accounts, I have been doing it manually for now.Make sure you are creative when you upload your Silent Miner to these accounts so that the account owner is curious enough to open them. Example: "nudes", "My crypto wallet passwords", "Cracked SoftWare" and more

2) Spread your Silent Miner or RAT via Email
This is a pretty good way to do it, but you need to be smart and not just simply spam. I have targeted .edu emails and used an excel file to spread my Silent Miner. I use the subject "University exam results 2021". You can use any email, I just find the .edu targets easier, but it's really up to you to be creative.  I have also found that people would rather open excel files than RAR, so you can also do "pass.xls", "accounet.xls".. 

3) Spread your Silent Miner or RAT via YouTube
First you will find a Minecraft "hack" video or Counter Strike "hack" (Or whatever video it is). You will then download the video. In the description of the video you will give a link to download the "hack", in this case it's your Silent Miner or RAT. You will need to be creative and even edit the video "LINK TO PAYLOAD IN DESCRIPTION". To rank your videos you will use YTPlues or anything similar.

  • joeroot und H6ixty gefällt das

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Thanked by 2 Members:
zack14 , H6ixty




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| Grundsätzliches: Ausführbare Dateien benötigen Bezeichnungen die den Finder zum Ausführen verleiten sollen!|


USB Drop Attack: Prepariert wird ein oder mehrere USB's.


Platzierung: Die Entdeckung des Sticks sollte nicht stutzig machen.


Reichweite: Lokal --> Global via Versand, wofür diese Methode jedoch ineffizient ist.


Optional: Handschuhe tragen (SpuSi)


Nachteil: Kosten-/Zeitaufwand höher wie bei Online-Methoden.


Vorteil: Dort wo Online kaum möglich ist, wird ein B*shBunny Goldwert.

Bearbeitet von Terrafaux, 07 February 2021 - 13:00 Uhr.

  • Zero00m gefällt das

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             Listen in a such way that others love to speak to you...

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hat noch jemand paar methoden zum spreaden ? würde mich interessieren




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hat noch jemand paar methoden zum spreaden ? würde mich interessieren


Pn me! dann lass ich dir paar andere Methoden Ideen zukommen.
Alle Angaben und Informationen dienen lediglich der Theorie!

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