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Lola | Wallet & payment gateway | Safe crypto haven | No KYC

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Crypto wallet and crypto payment gateway

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. NO KYC/AML. NO chain analysis. NO verification.
Lola doesn't need your privacy data, Lola needs your money!
Run.Lola.Run is the native payment gateway and crypto wallet of

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. DeepWebVPN could not follow

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without Lola. It would be danger for finance security of DeepWebVPN, Lola removes possible financial pressure.
Lola doesn't work with crypto exchanges, banks etc, Lola disdains them and other "fashion" trends of the modern crypto projects. Lola exists in the Internet only. This position is described in details in the

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. For details read

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about basic differences between Run.Lola.Run and other crypto wallets and crypto gateways.
Lola supports 6 cryptocurrencies now: Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dash, Monero, ZCash (t- and z-address) and Bitcoin Cash. Lola doesn't stop working on expanding the list of cryptocurrencies.
Lola wants your money, but Lola is not greedy. 0.3% fee for transfers to external addresses and 0.0% for internal transfers and incoming transactions. Min payouts are 0.00005 for BTC and 0.001 for altcoins.
Lola has APIs for receiving and transfer cryptocurrencies, APIs for receiving payments etc. Lola is constantly expanding the list of APIs. API docs in English:

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P.S. Lola will be glad to cooperate with everyone, and also sends a special invitation to novice online services and shops. Lola will help with the software integration.
Web mirrors
Web #1:

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Web #2:

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Contacts and support
E-mail: run@lola.run
Jabber/XMPP #1: lola@jidhad.biz (OTR & PGP)
Jabber/XMPP #2: lola@wallstreetjabber.biz (OMEMO & PGP)

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Telegram channel (English):

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