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SMS Terrorist v1.8 [by Imperial]
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Thanked by 1 Member:
Geschrieben 19 November 2015 - 08:04 Uhr
So I was wondering as to how this tool works particularly... Is it sort of like a text spoofer where you can look like any number you want and then are able to send a maximum of 10 sms to any number you want? And I am also interested as to what protocol it uses to actually send the sms. Does it use 'short code' like most of the text free apps? Or am I just way off in even understanding what this tool does. Final question, can it also receive messages? If it can then I can think of thousands of instances where this would come in damn useful
Take a look around you. Yeah, I've taken that apart too.
Thanked by 1 Member:
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AIO V18.0.1 Phone Number Gen & Validator |
Leaks | annaa |
[S] Fake SMS |
Suchanfragen | JohnR |
SMS / Anruf Spoofer für Android gesucht. |
Suchanfragen | zeroelday123 |