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Amadey Botnet [by LLCPPC]

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    Favoured Management

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  • Android [root]
  • Windows, Linux


Amadey Botnet by LLCPPC



  Tool Beschreibung
A patch was written in assembly language with a size of 677 bytes, which intercepted configuration data (host, file name, folder name) over encrypted stub. The builder has been written (also on assembly language) for a patch for convenient use.


  • Upload the panel to the server and configure the database (Anlei in "_Readme.En.Ru.txt").
    Login information for the panel inside "credentials panel.txt ", I logged into the "observer" account.
  • Launch "Builder.exe ", enter your IP address from the panel in the "Host IP", just the IP address!
    By default, the botnet uses the path /dF30Hn4m/index.php on the server, so do not change the name of the panel folder!
    The name of the file and folder where the botnet will be fixed after launch in the %temp% folder is generated automatically by the builder.


  • Chrome
  • Orbitum
  • Comodo Dragon
  • Chedot
  • CentBrowser
  • Opera Software
  • Microsoft Edge
  • SputnikLab
  • Chromium
  • Vivaldi
  • CocCoc

Cryptocurrencies Clipper

  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Ethereum (ETH)
  • Dogecoin (DOGE)
  • Litecoin (LTC)
  • Monero (XMR)


  • Loader ("Tasks")
  • Screen capture (click on the Uid in "All units")
  • Pinning in the system via autorun and scheduler
  • Elevation of privileges to the system level (powered by svchost)



Please Login HERE or Register HERE to see this link!




,,Der blaue Baum" von Prohex (2020)

Dieses Thema wurde von 4 Mitglied(ern) gelesen

    4URovu4, Blackhook, CyberFlash, PaulaAbdul
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