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CyberGate Excel v2.5.2.0 Trial

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CyberGate Excel v2.5.2.0 Trial

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Product Overview

CyberGate Excel is an advanced remote control solution. It is designed to control a large number of servers, in order to allow the administrator to easily control his network. CyberGate Excel is only available for now for Windows platforms as a Native application, without requiring any Framework (such as .NET), Virtual Machine (such as Java Virtual Machine) or any Extra Dynamic Link Libraries or shared libraries being a step forward on innovation and an advantage over other applications on the market that have reduced installation and usability.

CyberGate Excel can connect over either a LAN or the Internet in a variety of connection modes. This makes it an indispensable tool for small and medium-sized businesses looking for a multi-purpose and yet affordable remote control and help desk solution. However, it can also scale to larger environments with thousands of remote computers and servers. CyberGate Excel utilizes a Client-Server model with two stand-alone components installed separately, being the Server installed on remote system and Client console to be run on administration system. Server can be created based on stealth settings if your goal is to have it running without remote computer user noticing or using the remote host console that allows a regular Windows installation with a full range of settings to connect to the Client running on main workstation. Stealth server has also 3 different varieties of server plugin use, being able to download the server plugin (server core) from a URL, from client or even add it to server resources which will increase server size.

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,,Der blaue Baum" von Prohex (2020)




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Danke für das Bereitstellen des downloads.
Leider musste ich die Erfahrung machen dass diese Version von Cybergate sehr instabil ist.
Auch die Vollversion, welche ich mir dann gekauft habe, ist nicht viel besser.

Wirklich schade.
Da Cybergate ein gutes Tool ist.

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Danke für das Bereitstellen des downloads.
Leider musste ich die Erfahrung machen dass diese Version von Cybergate sehr instabil ist.
Auch die Vollversion, welche ich mir dann gekauft habe, ist nicht viel besser.

Wirklich schade.
Da Cybergate ein gutes Tool ist.

Die Verbinudng?
Die Funktionen?
  • Ich gefällt das


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