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KMS Auto Net 2o14

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.:: KMS Auto Net 2o14 ::.

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Tool Beschreibung

titel: KMSAutoNet_2o14
genre: activator

KMSAuto Net 2014 Portable by Ratiborus, MSFree Inc.

KMSAuto Net - the automatic KMS solution to activte the following operating systems
Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, Server 2008, 2008 R2, 2012, 2012 R2 VL and Retail
also for Office 2010, 2013 VL editions.
Additionally, the program activates:
Windows 8.1 Single Language;
Windows 8.1 Core;
Windows 8.1 Core N;
Windows 8.1 Pro WMC;
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro;
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard;
Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter.
It is based on KMS Server Service from mikmik38 (MDL).

Using the program:
Run KMSAuto Net.exe as administrator and use the interface. If you need additional
program features, enter into Professional Mode. The On/Off Professional Mode button
is placed in the "About" Tab.
The easiest way to use the program is to pick the automatic mode. All you need to do is
click on the button if you want to activate and agree to create a scheduled task for
reactivation by pressing the button.

Tip: First you need to activate Windows and Office in manual mode, and only then,
when you are sure that the activation takes place, you can create a scheduled task for
reactivation products every 25 days.
If the system does not want to be activated in Professional Mode go to "Utilites" and
manually set GVLK key for the proper Windows Edition, and then try to activate again.

Additional Information:

To activate Windows 8.1 the TAP network adapter must be installed directly
and use the IP address or use a special driver. All these features
are built into the program.
To activate via LAN, the TAP interface can't be used to install and
activate through an address of a computer in the network.
If you reconfigure the program and it stops operating correctly - check the checkbox
"Reset the program." All settings will be set by default.

Additional parameters of the program (switches):
/win=act - Run this program in quiet mode, activate Windows
and exit the program.
/off=act - Run this program in quiet mode, activate Office
and exit the program.
/log=yes - Run this program in quiet mode, create a file ActStatus.log
and exit the program.
/kmsset=yes - Run this program in quiet mode, install KMS-Service and exit the program.
It's only for KMS-Service, without TAP, WinDivert, Hook.
/kmsdel=yes - Run this program in quiet mode, remove KMS-Service and exit the program.
/key=yes - Run this program in quiet mode, install the Windows key and exit
the program.
/task=yes - Run this program in quiet mode, create a scheduled task for Windows and
Office Activation every 25 days and quit.
/taskrun=yes - Run this program in quiet mode, run the task scheduler for Windows and
Office Activation and exit the program.
/convert= - Run this program in quiet mode, preparation to perform the conversion
of Windows version and exit the program.
Possible key values: win81pro, win81ent, win81, win81sl, win81wmc
After using this function, you need to restart your computer.

The activation will be done with the settings defined in the tab KMS-Service.

When you transfer the program to another computer, you need to reset the Auto Mode.
Activation would still be in automatic, but the mode may not be optimal
for your new computer.
To reset the auto mode to the initial state you need to switch to any other mode,
and then again select auto. Everything is now reset to the initial state.

About how to activate the built-in program
The program can perform the activation with built-in KMS server Emulator in several
different ways. Why are there several of them?: the standard way to connect to the activation server
through the local host ( was blocked in Windows 8.1.
All methods are intended for activation of something to cheat the system, do so
that it "thinks" that the KMS server is not on your computer, but somewhere far away in the network.

Overview about the operating modes of the program:
Auto - the program tries to automatically find the way that best suits your activation
system. Attempts are being made to activate the system or Office for all admissible
ways your system has, and the one picked by the program it will be held to remember.
To reset to the initial mode, you can switch to any other mode and then select Auto.
This mode is selected by default.
Hook - method based on the substitution of the original file system changed on a special way.
The new version of the method works without physically replacing the file.
WinDivert- in the system a driver is installed at the time of activation and it keeps running
to emulate a remote connection to the KMS server.
NoAuto - In this mode, there is no automation, there is need to set the way it will work.
Is intended for people who know better than me what, how and when to do and whether
you want to do it or not. <img src='http://www.toolbase.bz/board/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/0007.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
TAP - the system is a virtual device. TAP activation is done through this virtual device.
The program includes two drivers for the TAP adapter. If you already installed one of
the drivers, the program will used the other driver to activate, resulting in your
current adapter left intact.
* Mode names on the System tab - clicking these links on which you can change some settings.

KMSSS.exe Options
Command Line Parameters:
-Port - KMS Port. Range from 1 to 65535
-PWin - Windows PID
-PO14 - Office 2010 PID
-PO15 - Office 2013 PID
-AI - Activation Interval. Range from 15 to 43200 minutes
-RI - Renewal Interval. Range from 15 to 43200 minutes
KillProcessOnPort - Force to open the KMS Port if this is present.
-Log - Log file Enabled.
-IP - Show IP address Clients Computers.
-IPFiltrOFF - No IP Filters.
-Hwid - Machine Hardware Hash.

The program requires .NET Framework 4.5
To run properly, it is necessary to add the file KMSSS.exe in the exclusion of your Anti-Virus!.
Or disable Anti-Virus at the time of activation.

Sometimes KMS-Service is not installed properly, it may be for different reasons.
You need to perform 2-3 times "Removing KMS-Service" and restart your computer.
When working with the program it makes sense to check on the option "Save
settings in the program folder". In this case, the configuration file will be stored
in the program folder, and not in the C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\MSfree Inc.


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