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Smart Install Maker v5

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Smart Install Maker v5

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At last! There is now a much smoother and faster way to create setup files for easy installation of applications. As a developer, you will no longer be bogged down learning complex installation programs or yet another awkward scripting language. This guarantees hassle-free programming, quicker market delivery and ultimately a faster turnaround with more satisfied users. Smart Install Maker enables the creation of a professional-looking, custom-made setup file in just a few mouse clicks. The simplicity of Smart Install Maker means:

  • No Scripts
  • No brain twisters
  • No unreasonable charges
Scripting for GUI now takes minutes ??“ not weeks!

Creating professional setup files used to require script-powered installers, which meant learning new scripting languages and mastering complex installer maker solutions. Now there is an easier way to create great setup files.

It used to take weeks learning extremely difficult scripting language or mastering a complex setup builder, which on top of everything else was very expensive. Now it is possible to take advantage of the wizard-driven Smart Install Maker, which takes just a few minutes and a few mouse clicks to create a professional installation package. These packages are perfect for distributing over the internet, via disc or other media.

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  • Juri, FullMetall und Bad Grandpa gefällt das



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Habe ich schon damals ab & zu benutzt. Gefiel mir sehr und empfehle es jedem weiter.

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Dr. p0rk

Dr. p0rk


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Habe ich schon damals ab & zu benutzt. Gefiel mir sehr und empfehle es jedem weiter.


Das Tool ist übersichtlich und verrichtet seine Arbeit schnell. Ich benutze das Tools schon seid längerem und kann es jedem Empfehlen.
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