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[Leak] NP Android Webpanel Bot

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[Leak] NP Android Webpanel Bot

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Dear Sirs, we are glad to offer you a bot mobile devices. Currently bot implemented under the operating system Android, so glad to inform you that the development of Blackberry being in full swing and the first beta version will be in the next month, all customers on Android bot on Blackberry will be a substantial discount.

Now briefly explain how it works, for those who do not know, once installed on the mobile device, the application instantly knock a comfortable web-panel in the presence of 3g or wi-fi, as well as outgoing SMS to the control room with the text I am (ICCID + MODEL PHONE). Our bot implemented in such a way that after being hit in the user continues to safely use your phone, all functions are available to him in the normal mode. Unlike the famous Perkele we do not have the optimizations for certain numbers to catch our boat runs through the teams. Teams are given in any convenient way for you, either from web panel in the presence of the Internet or SMS from the control room.


  • Grabing all information about the victim (Phone Number, ICCID, IMEI, IMSI, Model, OS)
  • Interception of incoming SMS messages and sending them to the web-panel and the control room.
  • Call forwarding to any number
  • Grabing all incoming and outgoing SMS
  • Grabing all incoming and outgoing calls
  • Record audio, sending it to the server (know what is happening around)
  • Sending SMS to any room without the owner's knowledge
Easy Web Panel

So, this software is sold, the price 4k bot, complete you get the admin panel is configured on your server + web control room + APK file with a unique interface designed for your needs, as well as continued support for the product.
Just willing to consider lease options and work together for a percentage (Please do not knock if you do not have injects and you do not know how to apply it).

What's new?
  • Now our application is extremely difficult to remove. When installing an application software requests admin rights device holder if he provides them, the application will remove extremely chore services will restart and you will not lose this bot. If you do not provide, the application as before will work in normal mode. For your convenience, in the admin panel indicator lights showing given admin rights or not.
  • If granted admin rights, it is possible to carry the phone to factory settings command'

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,,Der blaue Baum" von Prohex (2020)

Thanked by 4 Members:
predator , daenman , loveryouth.t3c3p , lolonice



    Script Kiddie

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Ich habe das Ding erfolgreich mit Ach und Krach zum laufen bekommen. Ich wünschte der der Android Sourcecode wäre auch geleaked

/dev/zero - PN für XMPP




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Wie kann man das DIng den remote installieren? Also wie infacte ich mein VIctim damit`?



    Script Kiddie

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Wie man die Opfer infiziert weiss ich auch nicht. Die Binary die ich habe ist auch richtig Schrott was Oberfläche angeht. Ich würde sagen du benutzt ein APK Binder. Probiert habe ich es selber nicht.

Ich habe nur den Builder der die APK manipuliert mit deiner Einstellung ausprobiert und habe das Webpanel lokal eingerichtet. Nach einigen versuchen hat es geklappt und der Bot meldet sich an. Leider interessiert mich die eigentlich Bot funktionien nicht. Ein anständiger Android Trojaner der sich am Webpanel anmeldet wäre viel interessanter.

Falls einer sowas hat bzw weiss woher man eins besorgen kann wäre ich sehr Dankbar.

AndroRat macht probleme und an Dendroid bin ich nicht rangekommen.

/dev/zero - PN für XMPP




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Bekomme leider die .apk nicht compiled wenn mir jemand helfen kann waere ich sehr dankbar und werde dementsprechend was zahlen :)

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