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QuasiBot - Webshell Manager aka HTTP Botnet

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QuasiBot - Webshell Manager aka HTTP Botnet


QuasiBot is a complex webshell manager written in PHP, which operate on web-based backdoors implemented by user himself. Using prepared php backdoors, quasiBot will work as C&C trying to communicate with each backdoor. Tool goes beyond average web-shell managers, since it delivers useful functions for scanning, exploiting and so on. It is quasi-HTTP botnet, therefore it is called.

All data about bots is stored in SQL database, ATM only MySQL is supported. TOR proxy is also supported, the goal was to create secure connection between C&C and backdoors; using SOCKS5, it is able to torify all connections between you and web server. All configuration is stored in config file. QuasiBot it's still under construction so i am aware of any potential bugs.

You will need any web server software; tested on Linux, Apache 2.2 and PHP 5.4.4.

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Authorization system
Move Linux Exploit Suggestor to PHP language
Add Windows support to 'PWN' module
Automatic attacks on servers
Backdoors creation (backconnects)
Source code cleanup, it's still pretty shitty; amount of required files should be reduced



  • DarkICE, Simon87, JU571C3 und 7 anderen gefällt das

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Thanked by 45 Members:
parisdefr , PVPMinersDE , Qjx1337 , suceone , h04x , ApaexProxy , p0pc0rn , man , snippa , MrScrudg , xLizard , cyberbitch , MuesliChabo , jonk , jinx , FakeKeyUser , arttuki , Bbahd300 , alterego-59 , freshman666 , xNominus , smc2014 , Eester , heroe99 , Byom , silentburn , dfhys , cyberrainalpha , Mattafix , bugsysunday , JU571C3 , th3 mast3r , 133TFoX , Woodenhero , ragde , sub0 , Pseudo , ice , viyiper , fleckchen , pekeinfo , Blackmaster , rowane , DarkICE , pdr0

Dieses Thema wurde von 63 Mitglied(ern) gelesen

    1x1, agressor-85, alienware2015, ApaexProxy, arttuki, Bbahd300, Benassi, blacksubmarine, Bloodman, bobo2015, Bot4ng, Bypass, Caruso, Cube, cyberbitch, D3n1s230290, DramaModz1234, dvalar, Extravaganz, FakeKeyUser, Framerater, FullMetall, h04x, hostbob, Hydr0x1, ice, igorborisvas, jinx, jonk, KiiNGDeZz, kiwitone, kloto, lamaamala, leon, man, mantwohouse, Maxh, MrScrudg, MuesliChabo, N0V3, Neonxen, nong_dan, nyv, p0pc0rn, PaulaAbdul, pr0legend, predator, PVPMinersDE, Qjx1337, redcore, scrack, secretary, Sharky, Slixer, snippa, SonnyBlack, stoneserv, sup3ria, superuser123, Th3xploiterZ, will, xLizard, ziomons
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