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Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner 9.5 Cracked [0X22]

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Cracked by 0X22 [Broad Cracker]

Trusted by TOW

Audit your website security with Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner
Website security is possibly today's most overlooked aspect of securing the enterprise and should be a priority in any organization. Hackers are concentrating their efforts on web-based applications - shopping carts, forms, login pages, dynamic content, etc. Web applications are accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and control valuable data since they often have direct access to back-end data such as customer databases.
Any defence at network security level will provide no protection against web application attacks since they are launched on port 80 - which has to remain open. In addition, web applications are often tailor-made therefore tested less than off-the-shelf software and are more likely to have undiscovered vulnerabilities. Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner automatically checks your web applications for SQL Injection, XSS & other web vulnerabilities.

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As many as 70% of web sites have vulnerabilities that could lead to the theft of sensitive corporate data such as credit card information and customer lists.
Hackers are concentrating their efforts on web-based applications - shopping carts, forms, login pages, dynamic content, etc. Accessible 24/7 from anywhere in the world, insecure web applications provide easy access to backend corporate databases.
Firewalls, SSL and Locked-Down Servers are Futile Against Web Application Hacking!
Web application attacks, launched on port 80/443, go straight through the firewall, past operating system and network level security, and right in to the heart of your application and corporate data. Tailor-made web applications are often insufficiently tested, have undiscovered vulnerabilities and are therefore easy prey for hackers.
Acunetix - A Worldwide Leader in Web Application Security
Acunetix has pioneered the web application security scanning technology: Its engineers have focused on web security as early as 1997 and developed an engineering lead in web site analysis and vulnerability detection.
Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner Includes Many Innovative Features:
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  • Industry's most advanced and in-depth SQL injection and Cross site scripting testing
  • Advanced penetration testing tools, such as the HTTP Editor and the HTTP Fuzzer
  • Visual macro recorder makes testing web forms and password protected areas easy
  • Support for pages with CAPTCHA, single sign-on and Two Factor authentication mechanisms
  • Extensive reporting facilities including PCI compliance reports
  • Multi-threaded and lightning fast scanner - processes thousands of pages with ease
  • Intelligent crawler detects web server type, application language and smartphone-optimized sites.
  • Acunetix crawls and analyzes different types of websites including

    Please Login HERE or Register HERE to see this link!

    , SOAP and AJAX
  • Port scans a web server and runs security checks against network services running on the server

Download the

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of Acunetix WVS for more detailed information, or download

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CRC-32: EF1657A0
SHA-1: 97434870AA747B705F76BC99D1DEE7F2CB29351A
Architecture: 32Bit
Dev: Borland C++ 1999
Protecion: Themida v2.x (External Scan)
-aPLib Compression (Algorithmus)
-Check IsDebugger Present
-Possible .NET Crypter (Heuristic Detection)

CRC-32: 478AAF0B
MD5: 0EF2939D01825BDB2D561A9EE2146755
SHA-1: 498029C0930D5B67A5F4B1E09AA0FD4BB2F18F0E
SHA256: c65edf68b93b1f53b00ebd1399ebe7e6d6a7d74d743cdfb3530239ccd2a282ac (VT)
Architecture: 32Bit
Dev: Borland Delphi v6.0 - v7.0
Protection: Xtreme-Protector v1.08 or Private EXE Protector v2.xx (External Scan)
-aPLib compression (Algorithmus)
-Check IsDebugger Present
-Possible Injector (Heuristic Detection)
-Themida Heuristic
-www.oreans.com viewable in HexEditor --> Themida

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CRC-32: 7EE9A727
MD5: 4A679C2B9265FED6F3F97479EE701698
SHA-1: E0148F610D5CEDB33D9C842762C6624D43B1D639
SHA256: a039a12bc616b4399e6a91dd62ec709358081af459a579052b039676f1e7ce18 (VT)
Architecture: 32Bit
Dev: Borland Delphi v6.0 - v7.0
Protection: Xtreme-Protector v1.08 or IcebergLock v3.10 (External Scan)
-aPLib compression (Algorithmus)
-Check IsDebugger Present
-Possible Injector (Heuristic Detection)
-Themida Heuristic
-www.oreans.com viewable in HexEditor --> Themida

Please Login HERE or Register HERE to see this link!

I confontated 0X22 with my analysis!

Rastajan: Do i have to be careful using this?
0X22: Its clean. have fun.

The Old Warrior:

Like I said, all good things takes time.You finally did it.

Good job.

CRC-32: A264F4D1
MD5: C3E7E988CE1F25E45E57C916809EBD5C
Compression Mode: Best
WinRAR Version: 5.00
Size: 45,7 MB
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Klicke auf den Danke-Button um den versteckten Inhalt sehen zu können. Nur registrierte Mitglieder haben Zugriff hierauf.

1) Run the installer
2) Switch Activation.exe and wvs.exe with the ones included in this rar
3) Run Activation.exe register with any personal information
4) Launch wvs.exe

Have fun pentesting guys!

Kind regards, Rastajan.
  • PaulaAbdul, Dr. Spic, mrundercover und 49 anderen gefällt das

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jp2316 , parisdefr , Exynos , ziegenpeter , im_nobody , gutzuu , m4cx , NightSys , ¥akuza112 , xxammaxx , CyberFlash , Heinokel0903




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Funktioniert wunderbar.
Witzigerweise, wie schon letztes Mal, funktioniert das Passwort nicht wenn man es mittels C&P probiert.
Manuelles Eintippen hingegen klappt.

Danke für den Spitzen Share :)


Jabber: cube@exploit.im

Only with OTR!


HQ Password-Recovery-Tool (Browser, Mail uvm.): TripleCCC

Thanked by 2 Members:
mulu , mark01

Dr. Spic

Dr. Spic


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Hat ihn mir, als er letzte Woche bei mir zu besuch war per Stick mitgebracht, funktioniert gut ;)
  • Rastajan gefällt das




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Everything works great but when I try to install new build I get this error:
08.17 15:29.29, [Error] Unable to download build. Try again later or contact our Acunetix support team (support@acunetix.com).
Am I the only one?



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Everything works great but when I try to install new build I get this error:

08.17 15:29.29, [Error] Unable to download build. Try again later or contact our Acunetix support team (support@acunetix.com).
Am I the only one?

You can't install a new build because you don't have a valid license for that.



,,Der blaue Baum" von Prohex (2020)




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Da gabs doch auch eine Version von Hmily[LCG], sollte auch die aktuelle sein denke ich.




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habe beim activator ein problem, er sagt mir beim letzten schritt das hier:

Error HttpSendRequest: ErrorCode: 0 - Der Vorgang wurde erfolgreich beendet

kann aber nicht auf Finish gehen um es zu beenden. jemand einen tipp?




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Werde ich direkt mal austesten, Danke fürs teilen!





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nice share++++++++++++

Nice spam D:

Scherz bei Seite.
Das ist eigendlich das gleiche Cain u d Abel oder liege ich da falsch?




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Nein Acunetix ist ein Scanner der Lücken in Webanwendungen findet.
Cain & Abel ist ein Networksniffer von

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Beides grundverschiedene Dinge.




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Virus: Win32.Trojan.Agent.BEH67O (Engine B)

Es wurde versucht, auf eine infizierte
Datei zuzugreifen.

Datei: Activation.exe



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Alles clean ! ;) Verlass dich drauf oder lass es sein .. ^^.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='^^' />

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Bus1ness Junkie

Bus1ness Junkie


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Ich habe mir denn auch hier geladen und alles super ;) Tool läuft Perfect

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Ich werde es auch ausprobieren und testen
Thx für's teilen !!!

@Twix2010 benutze ne VM und vertrau

Bearbeitet von smc2014, 03 October 2014 - 11:06 Uhr.

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