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Loadhttp Bot [Builder + Panel]

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5 Antworten in diesem Thema



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Loadhttp Bot [Builder + Panel]




Bot Feature List:

  • HTTP bot (communication encrypted using a modified standard encryption algorithm and use of static and dynamic passed around keys)
  • Coded in C++ (no dependencies other than Windows, no use of CRT, supports unicode/all language characters)
  • DNS resolving bypasses HOSTS file
  • Safemode startup ability
  • Startup with elevation retention (starts up with previously obtained elevated rights)
  • User-mode rootkit
  • Persistence and protection of registry key, file, and process
  • Hides file and startup also not visible in msconfig
  • Anti-Virus killer (supports 31 security solutions covering 95%+ of the AV market)
  • Anti-Malware/Botkiller (disables or kills the majority of all malware, even those notorious for being extremely resistant to
  • tampering. scans heuristically)
  • Privilege escalation through social engineering
  • Visit website visible or hidden
  • Execute shell command visible or hidden
  • Download & Update (options to confirm with MD5 hash, execute file with commandline arguments, save to specific location)
  • Uninstallation (gets rid of startup, installed file/directory, executed file, registry keys that hold bot data, and optionally scans
  • the entire system for any file that matches the MD5 of the currently executed file for deletion)
  • Disable system restore and delete any old restoration points
  • Disable Windows Firewall
  • Disable Windows Update
  • Detection of shutdown and logoff
  • Preventing of going into stand-by mode
  • Support for unlimited domains in configuration
  • Change homepages on Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Google Chrome
  • Whenever files are deleted by the bot, the memory is freed (safe-delete, a.k.a. data is unrecoverable)
  • Command&Control Panel is secure from any web-hacking and query injections. supports multi-user management
  • Proactive AV settings bypasses
  • CloudFlare support in the Control Panel
  • ~44kb file size
  • Handling of own Zone.Identifier stream without dampening of optimal internet settings as some other bots do
  • Additional process persistence via injected watchdog threads
  • Ability to send a list of download links and have the links be randomly chosen for download or update
Control Panel Feature List:
  • Captcha on login page prevents any bruteforce attack attempts
  • Control Panel endured a security audit done by a team of experienced web-vulnerability professionals, you are guaranteed to be hack-safe
  • Highly detailed information and statistics displayed and stored about your bot network
  • Detailed displayed commands
  • Highly modifyable commands: you can pause, restart, and delete commands. You can modify command filters extensively.
  • Password changing ability
  • Ability to optionally use a loginpage-URL-key to prevent and discourage panel sniffing attempts
  • Modifyable bot communication settings
  • User management page has broad functionality for adding and removing other users, controlling user privileges and seeing how active they have been
  • There is a page for conveniently viewing the foreground window activity of bots
  • The control panel is compatible with all recent versions of PHP and MySQL



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  • White-Warti und x1z0ng gefällt das



,,Der blaue Baum" von Prohex (2020)

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Ge.tt Upload funzt nicht ....

Hab es mal hochgeladen:

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Was muss ich als Url eintragen ? Hab beide PHP-Filez probiert, aber beide funzen nicht :( - Keine neuen Bots :(


MfG Drived211

Bearbeitet von Drived211v2, 12 March 2015 - 17:58 Uhr.

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Die nfo Datei hat ja super Inhalt (-:

 This bot is absolute piece of Shit
2) I take no credit for the builder, I just made it noob friendly for lazy people who asked me kindly so ...
3) Binary is Properly unpacked (modded UPX header Shit)
3) Builder originaly coded by duyan13 all credit on the RE goes to him Too
4) If it is not working for you, maybe you shouldn't be using it ... or it's shit ... or Domain name too long ... anyway see point 1
5) Builder Binary is Packed : MD5 776A76F179E3E0DCD8F8D496AC19925D

Achte die Vergangenheit ! Bewältige die Gegenwart ! Kämpf für die Zukunft !
Tue Recht und Scheue Niemand !
Wo Recht zu Unrecht wird - wird Wiederstand zur Pflicht !



    GFX Seller

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Please Login HERE or Register HERE to see this link!

Irgendetwas habe ich falsch gemacht :S - Bots kommen rein, aber bleiben leider nicht online!

Eingefügtes Bild







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ist dieses problem nun gelöst ?




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Bei mir klappt dder bot iwie nicht. Hat einer von euch das bontnet zum laufen gebracht ?

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