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[VB6] GetApi Pointer (LoadLibrary/GetProcAddress Replace)

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Hey Leute


Mit diesem Code z.b. könnt ihr die Apis(GetProcAddress,LoadLibrary) in eurer CallApiByName Funktion ersetzen.


Wenn ihr Hilfe braucht könnt ihr euch gerne melden :)

Option Explicit

Private Declare Function DllFunctionCall Lib "MSVBVM60" (ByRef typeAPI As tAPICall) As Long

Private Type tAPICall
    ptsLIB              As Long ' Pointer to ANSI String that contains Library
    ptsProc             As Long ' Pointer to ANSI String that contains Procedure
    lReserved           As Long ' Just reserved...
    lPointer            As Long ' Pointer to the buffer that will contain temp variables from DllFunctionCall
    lpBuffer(3)         As Long ' Buffer that will contain temp variables
End Type

Public Function GetAPIPtr(ByVal sLib As String, ByVal sProc As String) As Long
    Dim tAPI            As tAPICall
    Dim bvLib()         As Byte
    Dim bvMod()         As Byte
    Call Unicode2ANSI(sLib, bvLib)
    Call Unicode2ANSI(sProc, bvMod)
    With tAPI
        .ptsLIB = VarPtr(bvLib(0))
        .ptsProc = VarPtr(bvMod(0))
        .lReserved = &H40000
        .lPointer = VarPtr(.lpBuffer(0))
    End With
    GetAPIPtr = DllFunctionCall(tAPI)
End Function

Private Sub Unicode2ANSI(ByVal sUNICODE As String, ByRef bvANSI() As Byte)
    Dim i           As Long
    ReDim bvANSI(Len(sUNICODE))
    For i = 1 To Len(sUNICODE)
        bvANSI(i - 1) = Asc(Mid$(sUNICODE, i, 1))
    Next i
End Sub

My Jabber: TrilliumCrypter@jabbim.com


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