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Shutdown of Refud.me and Cryptex Reborn

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Trend Micro, NCA Partnership Leads to Arrests and Shutdown of Refud.me and Cryptex Reborn

A male and a female, both aged 22 and hailing from Colchester, Essex in the United Kingdom, were arrested on suspicion of operating two services featured in many malware business models †“ the popular counter antivirus (CAV) service Refud.me and the crypting service Cryptex Reborn. Both services have been taken down thanks to the partnership of Trend Micro†™s Forward-Looking Threat Research team and the National Crime Agency of the UK (NCA).

These latest takedowns are milestones in anti-cybercrime efforts. Refud.me and Cryptex Reborn were both key components of a much larger underground business model. Rendering them inoperable throws a wrench at ongoing cybercriminal operations in and beyond the UK as this can force cybercriminals to spread malware that are more prone to detection.

†œThis investigation is the result of Trend Micro†™s collaboration with the National Crime Agency of the UK (NCA) and other partners to tackle some of the core components that enable cybercriminal business models to exist,† said Martin Rösler, senior director of The Forward-Looking Threat Research team for Trend Micro. Back in July 2015 Trend Micro and the NCA signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), marking a significant step to understand and fight cybercrime. The agreement also formed a cross-organization virtual team to identify innovative ways of tackling specific cybercrime threats. The arrest made as a result of this partnership was announced earlier today in a joint press release.

Refud.me and Cryptex Reborn

Refud.me and Cryptex Reborn have been heavily advertised and used  on cybercriminal underground forums. One particular forum, Hackforums.net, is known for hosting discussions on hacking, technology and gaming.





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(Könnte ein Faker sein, wer weiß.)


Und Refud.me ist derzeit offline.

Bearbeitet von Take1T, 25 November 2015 - 01:40 Uhr.

  • smc2014, Trillium und casamonica gefällt das

Bin neu hier, nicht wundern. :D

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