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zANTI 2.2 | Mobile Pentesting Toolkit

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zANTI 2.2 | Mobile Pentesting Toolkit





Mobile Security Audits Simplified



zANTI is a mobile penetration testing toolkit that lets security managers assess the risk level of a network with the push of a button. This easy to use mobile toolkit enables IT Security Administrators to simulate an advanced attacker to identify the malicious techniques they use in the wild to compromise the corporate network.







Uncover authentication, backdoor, and brute-force attacks, DNS and protocol-specific attacks and rogue access points using a comprehensive range of full customizable network reconnaissance scans.






Enable Security Officers to easily evaluate an organization†™s network and automatically diagnose vulnerabilities within mobile devices or web sites using a host of penetration tests including, man-in-the-Middle (MITM), password cracking and metasploit.




Highlight security gaps in your existing network and mobile defenses and report the results with advanced cloud-based reporting through zConsole. zANTI mirrors the methods a cyber-attacker can use to identify security holes within your network. Dash-board reporting enables businesses to see the risks and take appropriate corrective actions to fix critical security issues.




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  • cyberbitch und smc2014 gefällt das



,,Der blaue Baum" von Prohex (2020)

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P0L0CH69 , Erikson , cyberbitch , bebekid32 , tinarchin




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Empfehlenswerte APP !!


Benutze diese selbst ;) Denkt bitte daran das root Rechte erforderlich sind ^^



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Tool ist Top , nutze es seit der ersten generation , kenne einige leute von dem zAnti Team ;)

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