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Who Stalks My Cam 1.1 by Phrozensoft

- - - - - Who Stalks My Cam security tool Phrozensoft

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Dr. Spic

Dr. Spic


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Who Stalks My Cam






It Is No Secret; You Are At The Mercy Of Hackers!

Who does not fear about the possibility of being spied upon your Webcam without your knowledge? Have you thought of this frightening threat to your online security? Well, it is no longer a fear but a reality. It is no longer an imagination, or something you can assume. It is happening, and the most worrying thing is that it is very prevalent. Nowadays, hackers have managed to achieve great success in spying on innocent internet users by use different kinds of Malware.One of such malware is the infamous DarkComet RAT.

DarkComet RAT is a Remote Access Trojan targeting Microsoft Windows Machines world wide. This dangerous malware opens huge remote possibilities to Hackers, such as Keystroke logging, Listening on your conversations on the Microphone, Recovering passwords, Watching your desktop using your webcam etc. A very huge amount of such Malware exists and represents millions of computers infected world wide. Other techniques exists to spy on you through the webcam, using malicious Website scripts, for example, using your Webcam device, tricking on you to allow Webcam to be broadcasted.

At Phrozen Software™, we are aware of your concern about this cyber threat. Definitely, no one wants to be spied upon; No one wants to feel insecure while doing their online activities, and you are no exception. As you may already be aware, at Phrozen Software™ we design different security programs to provide you with the ultimate solution to the problem. Our software are designed differently, not like the regular Antivirus programs. We do not claim to replace an existing antivirus program; All we do is enhance them using generic techniques to avoid yet to be known viruses from impacting on your security until your antivirus is able to get into their signature database. That is why we HAVE launched Who Stalks My Cam, a smart program designed to detect which applications are using your webcam in real time.

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Please Login HERE or Register HERE to see this link!

Bearbeitet von Dr. Spic, 07 December 2015 - 21:46 Uhr.

  • Ch!ller, desmond und nikita gefällt das

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