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SkyWyder RAT

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  • Android [root]
  • Windows, Linux


SkyWyder RAT


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  Tool Beschreibung

SkyWyder RAT
TeamViewer Hidden, FormGrabber, Botkiller, Keylogger, Disabler, Antis, Custom Message

  • Teamviewer Hidden (Tested on XP/VISTA/WIN7/8/10 x86 and x64)
  • Hidden startup from Regedit and msconfig. Persistent installation
  • Cryptochange, replace automatly any Bitcoin address copied on the clipboard by your own one
  • SkyWyder Rat is able to bypass any Firewall
  • Multiple DNS connection, if one of your address is not reachable, the RAT will automatically connect to the next
  • Very easy to use, just enter a URL and that's it. The Formgrabber take charge of recovering all the form data and will also take a screenshot for each login made and click on the url in question
  • Download screenshots and logs in a friendly menu
  • Capture date of screenshots
  • Full URL of website captured
  • Intelligent keylogger, work only when you need it
  • You will be able to download only the screenshots you need
  • Actually our RAT can kill this list of Malwares, include from memory. No matter if the file is crypted, the RAT will detect and kill it quickly without use any % of CPU.
  • Keylogger is hooked in Ring3, so it's never miss any single data, the entire keyboard is hooked without any ms delay.
  • Disable the next programs (Without Administration rights!)
  • Regedit, CMD, MsConfig, TaskMgr, RestoreSys
BTC-E Code capture:
  • Capture BTC-E Code in RealTime and send it to you very fast with sound notification.
  • With Administration Rights our RAT can kill this list of Anti Virus using a .SYS File from memory (You can also use the UAC bypass with this option)
Fake Message:
  • You can configure Title, Message, Icon, Buttons of the fake message and also test it before.

Please Login HERE or Register HERE to see this link!


Bearbeitet von PaulaAbdul, 23 January 2018 - 19:23 Uhr.

  • White-Warti, old_panther und kevte89 gefällt das



,,Der blaue Baum" von Prohex (2020)

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