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UPC WPA2 key recovery tool!

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 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * <peter@Haxxor.in> wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice and don't
 * sell my work you can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some 
 * day, and you think this stuff is worth it, you can intoxicate me in return.
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * upc_keys.c -- WPA2 passphrase recovery tool for UPC%07d devices
 * ===============================================================
 * You'd think vendors would stop using weak algorithms that allow
 * people to recover the credentials for a WiFi network based on
 * purely the ESSID. Sadly, these days aren't over yet. We've seen
 * some excellent recent research by Novella/Meijer/Verdult [1][2]
 * lately which illustrates that these issues still exist in recent
 * devices/firmwares. I set out to dig up one of these algorithms 
 * and came up with this little tool. 
 * The attack is two-fold; in order to generate the single valid
 * WPA2 phrase for a given network we need to know the serialnumber
 * of the device.. which we don't have. Luckily there's a correlation
 * between the ESSID and serial number as well, so we can generate a
 * list of 'candidate' serial numbers (usually around ~20 or so) for 
 * a given ESSID and generate the corresponding WPA2 phrase for each
 * serial. (This should take under a second on a reasonable system)
 * Use at your own risk and responsibility. Do not complain if it
 * fails to recover some keys, there could very well be variations
 * out there I am not aware of. Do not contact me for support.
 * Cheerz to p00pf1ng3r for the code cleanup! *burp* ;-)
 * Hugs to all old & new friends who managed to make it down to 32c3! ykwya!
 * Happy haxxing in 2016! ;-]
 * Cya,
 * blasty <peter@Haxxor.in> // 20151231
 * UPDATE 20160108: I added support for 5GHz networks. Specifying network
 * type is mandatory now. But as a bonus you get less candidates. :-)
 * P.S. Reversing eCos and broadcom CFE sux
 * $ gcc -O2 -o upc_keys upc_keys.c -lcrypto 
 * References
 * [1] https://www.usenix.org/system/files/conference/woot15/woot15-paper-lorente.pdf
 * [2] http://archive.hack.lu/2015/hacklu15_enovella_reversing_routers.pdf


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  • NichtDiePolizei und tinarchin gefällt das

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Siggisuper , tinarchin , NichtDiePolizei

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