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Turkish Citizenship Database Leaked

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Turkish Citizenship Database

Who would have imagined that backwards ideologies, cronyism and rising religious extremism in Turkey would lead to a crumbling and vulnerable technical infrastructure?

This leak contains the following information for 49,611,709 Turkish citizens: (IN CLEARTEXT)

  • National Identifier (TC Kimlik No)
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Mother's First Name
  • Father's First Name
  • Gender
  • City of Birth
  • Date of Birth
  • ID Registration City and District
  • Full Address

Lesson to learn for Turkey:

  • Bit shifting isn't encryption.
  • Index your database. We had to fix your sloppy DB work.
  • Putting a hardcoded password on the UI hardly does anything for security.
  • Do something about Erdogan! He is destroying your country beyond recognition.

Lessons for the US? We really shouldn't elect Trump, that guy sounds like he knows even less about running a country than Erdogan does.



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